Yeoman generator for creating REST APIs with Express
- TypeScript support
- RESTful API - Using Express
- Dependency injection - Using typedi
- Standard error responses - Using http-errors
- Database ORM - Using Sequelize (MySQL and PostgreSQL support)
- Docker containerization - Using Docker Compose
- Testing - Using Jest and Supertest
- Logging - Using Winston
- HTTP requests logging - Using morgan
- Internationalization - Using i18next
- Error tracking - Using Sentry
- Caching - Using Redis
- API documentation - Using OpenAPI and ReDoc
- Object validation - Using class-validator
- Email sending - Using Nodemailer
- Real-time events - Using Socket.IO
- Admin panel - Using AdminJS
- API status monitoring - Using express-status-monitor
- Code formatting - Using Prettier
- Code linting - Using ESLint
- Pre-push linting hook - Using husky and lint-staged
First, install Yeoman and generator-exprest-api using npm.
yarn global add yo generator-exprest-api
Then generate your new project with:
yo exprest-api
NOTE: No need to create a new folder before running the command, the generator will do it for you.
- Add missing
tests - Migrate ORM to
- Complete auth endpoints
MIT © Arthur Fauquenot