Ember router history with local storage and query params support.
ember install ember-cli-router-history
After installation ember-cli-router-history
open app/router.js
and add following
import config from 'your-app-name/config/environment';
import EmberRouter from '@ember/routing/router';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
const Router = EmberRouter.extend({
routerHistory: service(),
location: config.locationType,
rootURL: config.rootURL,
// Use `willTransition` if you want to track all transitions
willTransition(previousTransition, currentTransition) {
// Or use `didTransition` if you want to track only successful(completed/finished) transitions
didTransition(transition) {
returns previous transition if present, or null if not.
returns all history items.
clear transition history, can be used when user logges out
import RouterHistoryService from 'ember-cli-router-history/services/router-history';
export default RouterHistoryService.extend({
maxLength: 20, // Number of item to store in the history, default is 10
git clone <repository-url>
cd ember-cli-router-history
npm install
npm run lint:hbs
npm run lint:js
npm run lint:js -- --fix
ember test
– Runs the test suite on the current Ember versionember test --server
– Runs the test suite in "watch mode"ember try:each
– Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions
ember serve
- Visit the dummy application at http://localhost:4200.
For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.