#Welcome , Here is a cheatsheet for markdown language.
syntax: # heading 1
syntax: ## heading 2
syntax: ### heading 3
syntax: #### heading 4
syntax: **text to bold**
syntax: *text to italic*
syntax: - [x] task 1
- [ ] task 2
- task 1
- task 2
syntax: - text to be in unorederd list
syntax: 1. text to be in ordered list
2. text to be in ordered lists.
You can make nested ordered and unordered list:
- text 1
- text 2
1. text 1
2.text 2
2. text 1
- text 2
- text to be in unorederd list
- text to be in ordered list
- text to be in ordered lists.
- text 1
- text 2
text 1
- text 2
text 1
- text 2
> this is a single block quote.
>> nested block quote.
this is a single block quote.
nested block quote.
synatx: ``` code ```
``` (write code in next line) print("Have a great day") ```
print("Have a great day")
synatx: [name of the text] (link)
Adding title to link(this will display when we hover on it):
[Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/archisman-saha-596615212/ "This is title")
Links formating :
Italic: *[Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/archisman-saha-596615212/ )*
Bold: **[Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/archisman-saha-596615212/ )**
Normal link: Linkedin
Adding title: Linkedin
Italic: Linkedin
Bold: Linkedin
< Urls >
Example: <https://github.com/archismansaha>
< emails >
Example: <[email protected]>
Example of link: https://github.com/archismansaha
Example of email: [email protected]
syntax: ![image name](image address)
Example: ![have a look](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0070/7032/files/Fearless_Motivational_Quote_Desktop_Wallpaper_1.png?format=jpg&quality=90&v=1600450412)
| text | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| text1 | Text 4 |
| text2 | Text 3 |
text | Description |
text1 | Text 4 |
text2 | Text 3 |
Syntax: :short code:
Example : :blush:
For icon:
<a href= "destination address"><img src="icon link"></a>
<a href = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/archisman-saha-596615212/"><img src="https://img.icons8.com/fluent/48/000000/linkedin.png"/></a>
Example: :blush:
Here is a complete list of emoji shortcodes: https://gist.github.com/rxaviers/7360908
If you like it dont forget to star it and do connect in :
markdown-editor made by Rwitesh
If you want contribute to the markdown-editor here is the repository link