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1 Introduction

This project aims to make an interpreter for an advanced calculator that can perform various operations. The program is capable of parsing complex mathematical expressions and assigning to and keeping track of arbitrarily named variables. The program follows the basic outline of an interpreter, the given input is put into lexical analysis, which outputs an array of tokens, which is then recursively parsed and evaluated. This documentation hopes to be both a user guideline and a technical explanation of this interpreter. It might be beneficial for the reader to know the meanings of the following terms in order to make full use of the documentation:

  • Lexical analysis is the process of converting a sequence of characters into a series of tokens.
  • Lexer, also called tokenizer is a program that performs lexical analysis.
  • Parser is a program that parses the provided series of tokens according to a specific syntax.

2 Program Interface

The program is written in C and that requires the user who has the source code to first compile the program. For that there is a Makefile ready for use in the folder, so opening a new terminal in the root directory and running make will suffice. Compilation outputs the executable file advcalc which can be run by the command ./advcalc and that starts the program. In order to stop the program, you can either Ctrl+C or Ctrl+D your way out. To clear the compiled program, you can run make clean

3 Program Execution

This program aims to be a basic calculator which can interpret basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, bitwise operations like or and and, function-like binary operations like left-right shift, left-right rotate, xor and a function unary operation, not. The examples using these operations are given in the Examples section. User is prompted with > to enter a statement. Statements can be either an assignment operation, or an expression. If it is solely an expression, the program interprets and outputs the value of it.

3.1 Validity of statements

The assignment operation's right hand side can be any valid expression of the user's like while the LHS ought to be an identifier. If there is an error in this syntax, the statement is not invalidated and "Error!" is printed. As to the validity of the expressions, the precedence of the operations determine the expression's next expected token. If the token is not of the expected type, the expression becomes invalid and "Error!" is printed on the screen. Parantheses must abide by the stacking rule. For the precedence of the operations, you can take C's operation precedence table as reference:

4 Implementation details

4.1 Tokenizing

We started the project by creating a BNF grammar for the language. As we were creating the BNF we decided to implement this project as a recursively descending interpreter. Then we determined our token types according to the BNF hierarchy to efficiently implement our recursively descending interpreter and to create a tokenizer for the language. We created a token structure that contained the token type and the token value. Then we started to create the tokenizer. We declared the functions in tokenizer.h needed to determine the token type. Then we implemented the functions in tokenizer.c and set the constraints to correctly tokenize variables, integers, and operators. We also defined an error function which helped us find errors efficiently and without repetition.

4.2 Parsing/Interpreting

We then created a parser structure considering the BNF hierarchy. We defined functions that call each other recursively to parse the tokens. Our hierarchy is as follows:

parseStatement: parses statements as an assignment or a bitwise or expression

parseAssignment: parses an assignment as an identifier and a bitwise or expression

parseBitwiseOrExpression: iteratively parses the current bitwise or expression, splitting it into parts of bitwise and expressions so long as there is a bitwise or operator.

parseBitwiseAndExpression: iteratively parses the current bitwise and expression, splitting it into parts of expressions so long as there is a bitwise and operator.

parseExpression: iteratively parses the current expression, splitting it into parts of terms so long as there is an additive operator.

parseTerm: iteratively parses the current term, splitting it into parts of factors so long as there is a multiplicative operator.

parseFactor: parses a factor as an identifier, an integer, a unary function, a binary function or a bitwise or expression in parentheses

parseVariable: parses an identifier, checks if the variable is in the hashmap and inserts it returns 0 or returns the current value

parseUnaryFunction: parses a bitwise or expression in parentheses and takes its complement

parseBinaryFunction: parses two bitwise or expressions in parentheses with a separator and applies a binary function () to it

4.3 Hashing

Since this project is an interpreter, we needed to store the variables and their values. We decided to use a hashmap to store the variables and their values. We created a hashmap structure that contained the key and the value. We defined a function to initialize and allocate memory for the hashmap. We also defined a function to free the memory of the hashmap. Our hash function is a simple hash function that implements the djb2 algorithm. We defined the insert function to get the hash value find out if it is empty or not. If it is empty, we insert the key and the value. Else we do linear probing and get a proper index to insert the key and the value. We defined a find function to get the value of the mentioned variable. If the variable is not in the hashmap, it returns 0. We created a function that takes a key and a value and inserts it into the hashmap. We also created a function that takes a key and returns the value of the key. If the key is not in the hashmap, it returns 0.

4.4 Error Handling

We defined the matchToken function to check if the current token is the expected token. If it is not, it returns an error. This works because the expected token is the only choice for the grammar according to the BNF and the recursive hierarchy. We also defined a raiseTokenError function to raise error if the token is not one of the expected types in parseFactor. This way also ensured our hierarchy worked properly.

5 Examples

Below are some examples regarding the usage of the program.

You can assign variables values like this:

> a = 5
> a
> a + 31 * 5
> a = a + 31 * 5
> a

Function-like binary and unary operations are also supported:

> ls(a,3)
> rs( a , 3)
> lr(a,2) % you also have rr and xor
> not(39)
> a = 5 % you may also comment a line like this!
> a a = 5 % this is an invalid statement
> a
> a + 5 - 2 %

6 Problems Encountered and Conclusion

In the beginning of the project, the biggest problem was designing the hierarchy and main logic of the parser. So we first implemented the tokenizer. Then we started to think about the logic of the parser. We first wrote the BNF according to the grammar, and then we worked on some ideas like creating an AST or using a recursive hierarchy. After a few tries on AST method, we decided not to use an AST and directly interpret the expressions while we iterated through the functions recursively. We had different opinions on implementing the hashmap like storing the values in one array and the keys in another but then we decided to implement a variable struct and create the hashmap as a variable array. We also tried some different hash algorithms but finally decided on djb2. The biggest problem was handling the errors. We had issues like printing multiple error messages or not printing the error messages at all. We finally figured out where we had to put the token checks for error after carefully analyzing the hierarchy, and we defined an error flag to prevent multiple error messages. After all we've been through, we are better coders if not better friends.

7 Appendix


Below is the BNF we created for the interpreter.

<Statement> ::= <Assignment> | <BitwiseOrExpression>
<Assignment> ::= <Variable> "=" <BitwiseOrExpression>
<BitwiseOrExpression> ::= <BitwiseAndExpression> ("|" <BitwiseAndExpression>)*
<BitwiseAndExpression> ::= <Expression> ("&" <Expression>)*
<Expression> ::= <Term> (("+"|"-") <Term>)*
<Term> ::= <Factor> (("*") <Factor>)
<Factor> ::= <Variable> | <integer> | <UnaryFunction> | <BinaryFunction> | "(" <BitwiseOrExpression> ")"
<Variable> ::= <identifier>
<UnaryFunction> ::= "not" "(" <BitwiseOrExpression> ")"
<BinaryFunction> ::= <BinaryFunctionOperator>  "(" <BitwiseOrExpression> "," <BitwiseOrExpression> ")"
<BinaryFunctionOperator> ::= "xor" | "lr" | "rr" | "ls" | "rs"
<integer> ::= <digit>+
<identifier> ::= <letter> (<letter>)*


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