A small library with all the basic building blocks to create combinatory parsers. It is much simpler than gren-lang/parser. Here is a parser for booleans:
import Parse
parseBool =
[ Parse.string "false" |> Parse.map ( \ _ -> [ False ] )
, Parse.string "true" |> Parse.map ( \ _ -> [ True ] )
> Parse.run parseBool "true"
Just True : Maybe Bool
> Parse.run parseBool "false"
Just False : Maybe Bool
> Parse.run parseBool "asdf"
Nothing : Maybe Bool
Package documentation: packages.gren-lang.org/package/aramiscd/gren-parse
See aramiscd/gren-json for a JSON parser based on this.
See https://vimeo.com/171704565 for an introduction to combinatory parsing.