This is a web accessable package written in PHP/MYSQL used to retrieve data and set parameters on a compatible Tesla vehicle.
Features: - Track SOC data over time and monitor vampire losses (logger.php) - View offline range without having to wake the car - Set the desired charger % without having to wake the car - Calculates corresponding rated miles for given SOC % using real data! - View the car's last known location without having to wake the car - Track a supercharge or any other charge session - View streaming data in real-time
The beauty is that all of these features output to the browser instead of having to launch a program on your desktop.
Setup: - Configure an appropriate MYSQL db - logger.php will need to be executed by cron or task scheduler in 30 min increments
Note: - Graphing features will require a PHP graphing library (i.e. PHPGraphLib) - I am an amateur programmer with ZERO formal training. Use at your own risk!
You will need to create the appropriate MYSQL tables manually:
// Create 3 MYSQL tables if necessary
$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM battery");
if($result == NULL) {
mysqli_query($con, "CREATE TABLE battery(Date
DECIMAL(5,2), Percent
TINYINT(3), Sleep
$result2 = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM settings");
if($result2 == NULL) {
mysqli_query($con, "CREATE TABLE settings(Level
TINYINT(2), Desired
TINYINT(2), Latitude
FLOAT(10,6), Longitude
$result3 = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM stream");
if($result3 == NULL) {
mysqli_query($con, "CREATE TABLE stream(Time
Decimal(5,3), Speed
TINYINT(3), Power