This application is an inbound bridge for automatically selling XRP for BTC at a discount. It listens to the blockchain and converts BTC to XRP upon two confirmations of the payment. The application relies on the Ripple Gateway and Ripple REST API.
- Polls the specified wallet every minute via's REST API
- Monitors Ripple hot wallet for balance via the Ripple REST API
- Upon transaction, application will send out an email notification with amount and effective exchange rate
- This light weight Node.js app is fully configurable
- Install ripple-gateway v3.4.4 and other dependencies
The easiest way to get started with Postgres is by launching a free database hosted by Heroku
cd node_modules/ripple-gateway
Follow these instructions to configure ripple-gateway
- The Ripple REST API provides a simplified HTTP/JSON interface to all the Ripple protocol network operations, such as payments and other transactions.
cd ../../ && forever server.js
Once the server.js is started, the deposit and outgoing processes will be running in the background.