Ovation is a site for finding events/concerts in your area. A few notable user stories include that a user can:
- Browse events by artist
- Edit their account details
- View past live concert events by that particular artist
- "Buy" tickets for that concert
- See all of their upcoming concerts
The event data, provided by songkick, is real and accurate.
This is the back end only. The front end was created as a separate repository for ease of deployment.
- React
Take a look at our frontend repo here
- Ruby on Rails
- Active Record
- Postgres
Development has slowed significantly as we are working on a few other projects. Our hopes are to continue to refine both functionality and styling to improve the site. We built this project in a little under a week so there are a lot of cool features that we didn't get to implement. A few of our long-term goals include:
- Integrating the Youtube API to provide videos based on user input
- Adding modals for Youtube videos
- Re-designing the home page
- Integrating a payment API
- Moving Songkick API logic from Seed file to controllers for fresh,live data
- Providing event recommendations based on user preferences
Ovation was built by Anthony Rubbo (https://github.com/antrubbo) and Ekene Nkem-Mmekam (https://github.com/Ekenayy) during their time in Flatiron School's SE intensive program.