Tkscrapy is a small scraper in Python based on the Scrapy library as well as Tkinter for the graphical user interface (GUI) You can use the Python version directly or the executable (linux, windows and macOs) create with cx_freeze
Download the project and go to /tkscrapy and do:
cd /tkscrapy/tkscrapy
pip freeze> requirements.txt #(to install all dependencies)
python #(to execute the script)
Download the linux version in / app_desktop_exec / linux / executable
mv linux /opt/Tkscrapy
touch ~/.local/share/aplications/Tkscrapy.desktop # create a shortcut .desktop
Here is an example of .desktop file:
[Desktop Entry]
Type = Application
Encoding = UTF-8
Name = Tkscrapy
How = Scraper with Tkinter GUI
Exec = /opt/Tkscrapy/
Icon = /opt/Tkscrapy/logo.png
Terminal = false
StartupNotify = true
- Download the .deb package for Ubuntu/Debian in / app_desktop_exec / linux / deb / tkscrapy.deb
- Download the package for MacOs in / app_desktop_exec / macOs /
- unzip
- copy tkscrapy directory to you're app folder
- launch tkscrapy to click in /tkscrapy/tkscrapy file
an example of use to scrap a page
- Enter the type of output (JSON, CSV, XML)
- Reseign a valid url with the protocol (http: //)
- Add in * Parent selector * the CSS selector you want to search for example if I want to retrieve all links from the site I would do like this: ** a **
- Then in the text field I add the column accompanied by the desired value for example: ** link | a ** or ** link | a :: text ** (to have the textual content)
For more information, see the scrapy documentation for selectors [Scrapy documentation] (
You can follow the navigation if you want to visit several pages by checking the box * "pagination selector" *:
- ex: ** to :: attr ("href") **, you just have to add the navigation link selector
see [Scrapy documentation] ( for more information