A container for integration testing ACME protocol modules.
Uses Pebble.
Building the image locally
docker image build -t local/ansible/acme-test-container:latest .
Building the image locally with a different version of Pebble checked out
docker image build --build-arg PEBBLE_CHECKOUT=<hash|branch|tag> -t local/ansible/acme-test-container:<hash|branch|tag> .
Merging a pull request (PR) builds an image and pushes it to quay.io/ansible/acme-test-container with the main
Note that pushing directly to main
is forbidden, you always need to go through a PR.
Create a new GitHub Release with the desired version as the tag. This will trigger a pipeline which builds the image with the version number as the image tag, and pushes it to quay.io/ansible/acme-test-container.
Some of the code (collected in acme_tlsalpn.py) has been taken from Certbot's ACME library and is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, which can be found in LICENSE-acme. This code is copyright 2015 Electronic Frontier Foundation and others.
The controller, Dockerfile and all other files are licensed under the GPL v3 (or later). You can find the license in LICENSE.