A website for booking movie tickets for a cinema with seat selection and user history
The primary objective of our project is to construct a web application hosted on GCP that runs a Database server in MySQL. The web pages will be built utilizing PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These tools will enable customers to connect to the system and use it through the Internet from any place, with any Operating System and browser. Cinema-going is one of the most popular out-of-home cultural activity, affecting a series of social, economic, and ethnic phenomena in modern societies. Cinemas are an integral part of cities and contribute to the definition of a local geography and identity. They also contribute to the preservation of the collective memory; since they constitute a significant social and cultural practice linked to a specific geographical landscape acting as a common reference or landmark for many individuals. Through this project we present a comprehensive solution for virtual ticket booking in multiplexes - an online ticket selling portal that is easy to understand, user friendly, convenient, and offers the simplicity of fast point-and-click service to the customers. This powerful software program is specifically designed for cinema owners, to sell tickets online. This intuitive visual interface makes day-to-day aspects of selling and buying fast, easy, and reliable for both the user and website administrators; These admins are responsible for controlling and maintaining all back-end functionalities like, movie details, ticket rates, show times, customer information, and sales history saved in the database.