Justicehub is a platform where users can file public and personal complaints, incentivize the system for priority, view other complains with evidences stored on blockchain, can consult advocates, and many more at one place. Building the impossible 💪
We are using anon-adhaar SDK for verifying the citizenship of our users, only verified users can login and enter the dashboard We are using push protocol for sending important notifications, we have also integrated push chat to have conversation with advocates
We have deployed our platform on two main chains
Base Goerli - https://goerli.basescan.org/address/0xc5674ab7fef61c59a83178b5b39014d33c5ca2c6
Celo alfajores testnet - https://explorer.celo.org/alfajores/address/0xf4Ca0Ed060e5ce8E15dCdd97D82Bc52908465AC8