dev: npm run build prod: npm run prod
In order to edit complete the following sections
Download the latest release from and install it
- Download and install the latest setup from
- Open a new git bash (you can not use one which was opened before nvm is installed)
- Run
nvm install 6.9.5
- Run
nvm use node 6.9.5
- Run
curl -o- | bash
- Close and reopen your terminal
- Run
nvm install 6.9.5
- Run
nvm alias default 6.9.5
- Run
nvm use 6.9.5
- Open a shell in the project directory (Windows: Right click -> Open git bash here)
- Run
npm install
Curl allows us to download The Arron Sheet, instead of maintaining our own copy
- go to and pick the correct version (pick 'any' if you are unsure)
- unzip and save to a directory on your computer
- add the directory to your computer's PATH variable.
- if you already have Github for windows you do not need to install git separately. If you do not have it, then you must still download it or else download git as above. You can also have both side by side
- Add Github for windows to the PATH variable using these instructions (there is only a 'cmd' directory, no bin directory, contrary to what this says):
- Download and install Visual Studio Code
- You can easily install Node from here at the link titled "Install Nodejs for your platform" which links to an .msi file you don't need to use the 'nvm' commands this way. If you need nvm then you probably already know what you are doing and don't need these instructions.
- Required: In VS Code Extensions, download egamma's npm implementation for VS Code:
- Optional: npm intellisense extension helps:
- Optional: The .jshint files are used by jshint for VSCode:
- Optional: new CodeLens extentsion for git, js:
- To not have to retype the password every time you push to git:
- you must still install curl as above
- fork project if you haven't already
- clone project from within VS Code
CTRL-Shift-P opens a terminal prompt at top it also has better intellisense than the terminal window due to the picklist it generates as you type. Much easier to fork from github's web interface first. Then use the URL of your fork as the url of the repository i think with the git clone command some help:
Each "page" or section of the Pathfinder sheet has one or more modules associated with it. For instance, the core page has PFAbilityScores, PFInitiative, PFClassRaceGrid etc. The Defense page has PFDefense, PFSaves. The Attacks page has PFAttacks, spells page PFSpells, etc.
Pages with repeating sections will have a module for the repeating list, another module for the page-level variables (usually above it on the page), and a 3rd module for "roll options" the user has selected. For the attacks page it is :
- PFAttacks: the repeating_weapon list
- PFAttackGrid: the melee,ranged,cmb grid at the top
- **PFAttackOptions: ** the options checkboxes and how they affect macros
- PFSpells: the repeating_spells list
- PFSpellCasterClasses: The spell caster section, spells per day, spell points, etc
- PFSpellOptions: the spell options and updating of macros