raspberry pi is your doorbell
sudo apt-get install -y python git python-rpi.gpio
* the doorbell button goes to a solid state relay which is connected on its NO terminals to the buttonPin and GND
* add computer hostnames to listeners.txt - these will receive the ring signal
* add to rc.local
add to crontab
- /opt/doorbell/doorbellWatchdog.sh
- place the .wav file in the public users music folder
- put the doorbellservice.exe file somewhere you like
- configure dbWatchdog.ps1
- configure the correct path to the doorbellservice.exe
- the default location is
- e:\scripts\doorbell\doorbell\dist\DoorBellService.exe
- make the dbWatchdog.ps1 file into a scheduled task to run every minute
- put the client.py file on your raspberry pi
- git clone https://github.com/andyseubert/doorbell
- to ring the doorbell sound on the windows client run
ringer.py hostname
- install as per "prepare raspberry"
- git clone into /opt/doorbell
- add to rc.local /opt/doorbell/RingerPi.py &
- make sure the audio is working. I found this page helpful http://computers.tutsplus.com/articles/using-a-usb-audio-device-with-a-raspberry-pi--mac-55876