##Welcome to IGOS Nusantara SDK Pages
IGN SDK is a software development kit designed specifically for application developers in IGOS Nusantara. But now also available for other Linux distros such as Arch Linux, Slackware, Open SUSE and Debian. You can write native apps in HTML and Javascript with IGNSDK
##Wiki## https://github.com/anak10thn/ignsdk-qt/wiki
##Example## https://github.com/anak10thn/ignsdk-example
$ignsdk -d -p /path/to/example.ign
$sudo yum install qt5-qtwebkit-devel gcc-c++ git
$git clone https://github.com/anak10thn/ignsdk-qt.git
$cd ignsdk-qt
##Bugs## https://github.com/anak10thn/ignsdk-qt/issues/new
##License## IGN SDK is free software/open source, and is distributed under the BSD license.
- Eka Tresna Irawan a.k.a Ibnu Yahya ([email protected])
- Surya Handika Putratama ([email protected])
##Wiki And Documentation##
- Eko Yunianto ([email protected])
- Arif Eko Pratono ([email protected])
##Contributor## ###Kuma HTML5 Game###
- Creator : Mitsuki Sugiya ([email protected])
- Github : Omega014
###IGNSDK For Debian###
- Maintainer : Surya Handika Putratama ([email protected])
- Github : https://github.com/ubunteroz/ignsdk-debian
- Download : http://debian.ignsdk.web.id
###IGNSDK For Arch Linux###
- Maintainer : Sofyan Saputra a.k.a Iank ([email protected])
- PKGBUILD Script : http://goo.gl/gdkB0
- Download : http://arch.ignsdk.web.id
###IGNSDK For Slackware###
- Maintainer : Dwiyan Galuh W a.k.a wajatmaka ([email protected])
- Github : https://github.com/wajatmaka/Slackbuild-ignsdk
- Download : http://slack.ignsdk.web.id
###IGNSDK For openSUSE###
- Maintainer : Andi Sugandi ([email protected])
- Web : http://andi.opensuse-id.org
- Download : http://blog.ignsdk.web.id/?p=860
###WebGL test###
source : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/demos/detail/glass-shader
###IGN Native API test###
source : https://github.com/anak10thn/ignsdk-example/tree/master/downloadfile.ign
###Kuma HTML5 Game###
source : http://sumilab.org/~m-sugiya/kuma/
###Planetarium HTML5 app###
source : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/demos/detail/the-planetarium
###Book Reader###