A trivia game for mobile and desktop web browsers.
- Check out open issues that need to be closed to reach a certain milestone.
- Fork this repo and see if you can fix any issues there might be.
- If you see a bug message me about it and I will create a new issue.
- Any ideas about enhancing the game please feel free to message me about that as well!
This game makes use of the Open Trivia Database API to generate questions and multiple choice answers. This is a free api and I have provided a link to the documentation in the description.
- Create a trivia game for the browser using javascript.
- Have a question displayed to the user with multiple choice answers from an API.
- Have a timer that counts down the time remaining to answer the question.
- If user fails to answer the question before timer has count down display a message that the time is up.
- After user answers the question display if the answer was correct or incorrect
- Have the game keep track of the total correct answers and total incorrect answers.
- Allow user to start the game again without refreshing the browser.