Angular service for the imlementation of a smart banner to notify your users about your available app.
This package is inspired by smartbannerjs and smart-app-banner
Dependency | Description |
@angular/cdk/platform | To determine if the user comes from an android or ios device |
ngx-cookie-service | Provides a Universal compatible service to get or create cookies |
Add the package as a dependency to your project using:
npm install @netcreaties/ngx-smart-banner
yarn add @netcreaties/ngx-smart-banner
Add the module to your app.module imports:
import { NgxSmartBannerModule } from '@netcreaties/ngx-smart-banner';
imports: [NgxSmartBannerModule],
Import the service in your app.component and initialize with settings
import { NgxSmartBannerService } from '@netcreaties/ngx-smart-banner';
private readonly ngxSmartBannerService: NgxSmartBannerService,
private readonly viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef,
) {
viewContainerRef: this.viewContainerRef,
daysHidden: 15,
daysReminder: 90,
The following configuration options are available
Option | Default | Description |
title | Smart application | Name of your application |
author | Smartbanner author | The company name, for example |
price | FREE | Price in string |
priceSuffix.ios | - On the App Store | Suffix that should be added after price |
priceSuffix.andorid | - In Google Play | Suffix that should be added after price |
icon.ios | Icon url for IOS devices, can be relative or absolute | | | Icon url for android devices, can be relative or absolute | |
closeLabel | Close | Label for close button |
buttonLabel | VIEW | Label for the view button |
buttonUrl.ios | Url to store location ex. https://ios/application-url | | | Url to google play ex. https://android/application-url | |
enabledPlatforms | ['Android', 'IOS'] | Platforms to be enabled |
viewContainerRef (Required) | NULL | View container ref the service uses to create the component in |
daysHidden | NULL | Days to hide the smart banner after pressing exit button, null for indefinitely |
daysReminder | NULL | Days to hide the smart banner after pressing the view button, null for indefinitely |
rating.ios | 5 | Star rating on App store (0-5) | | 5 | Star rating on play store (0-5) |
Event | Description |
onOpen | Executes when smart banner is created |
onClose | Executes when smart banner is destroyed |
- Create demo
- Add events?