Just JavaScript - an online course that could better prepare you to understand JavaScript by @Dan Abramov.
This repo is my reading notes of Just Javascript and records my reading journey through issues.
- [Just JavaScript] 01. Mental Models
- [Just JavaScript] 02. The JavaScript Universe
- [Just JavaScript] 03. Values and Variables
- [Just JavaScript] 04. Counting the Values (Part 1)
- [Just JavaScript] 05. Counting the Values (Part 2)
- [Just JavaScript] 06. Equality of Values
- [Just JavaScript] 07. Properties
- [Just JavaScript] 08. Mutation
- [Just JavaScript] 09. Prototypes
Thanks to @tin80122
The short quiz website: https://eggheadio.typeform.com/to/PLyTKB?typeform-source=yu.mantoufan.com