Azure platform AKS latest version System and User node pool separation AKS-managed Azure AD Azure AD-backed Kubernetes RBAC (local user accounts disabled) Managed Identities Azure CNI Azure Monitor for containers Azure Virtual Networks (hub-spoke) Azure Firewall managed egress Azure Application Gateway (WAF) AKS-managed Internal Load Balancers In-cluster OSS components Azure Workload Identity [AKS-managed add-on] Flux GitOps Operator [AKS-managed extension] ImageCleaner (Eraser) [AKS-managed add-on] Kubernetes Reboot Daemon Secrets Store CSI Driver for Kubernetes [AKS-managed add-on] Traefik Ingress Controller
Azure Kubernetes (Iac) for production
components in the code
- Hub network with 2 subnets
- Azure Firewall
- Azure Bastion
- Spoke network
- pod subnet
- service subnet
- additional
- workload subnet (user vms)
- private endpoint
- private dns zone
- private container regisry
kubernetes components
- external dns
- flux
- argo cd
- Azuredevops agents
- istio
- promethuos
- grafana
- loki
- jeager
- kafka
- postgress
- mongodb
- rabbitmq
- azure service bus
- valut
- harbor
connect to the virtual machine with bastion host
az network bastion ssh --name "<BastionName>" --resource-group "<ResourceGroupName>" --target-ip-addres "<VMIPAddress>" --auth-type "ssh-key" --username "<Username>" --ssh-key "<Filepath>"
- create a storage account to store terraform state
- create a resource group to categorize the resources for AKS project
- create an active directory users and groups
- create service account and permission to create users and appliances
- create a network
- create subnet for the network
- create aks
- addons for aks
- external dns
- tls
- api gateways
- service mesh
- network security group
- integration with aks
- workload inside aks
- logs/ tracing /etrics
- gitops
AKS Private Cluster Azure Virtual Networks (hub-spoke) Azure Firewall managed egress Azure Application Gateway (WAF) Application Gateway Ingress Controller AKS-managed Internal Load Balancer Azure CNI Azure Keyvault Azure Container registry Azure Bastion Azure Monitor for containers Azure firewall MongoDB Helm Secret store CSI driver Azure RBAC for Kubernetes Authorization Azure Active Directory pod-managed identities
Horizontal Pod Autoscaling Cluster Autoscaling Readiness/Liveness Probes Azure Service Bus Azure CosmosDb Azure MongoDb Azure Redis Cache