Simple demonstration of an isometric (or "2.5D") game world, and saving mechanism.
This does not use Unity's isometric grid or file serialisation functions, as this is about implementing those myself, not using Unity.
This demo shows creating an empty map, changing the tile types and adding buildings, and finally loading a saved map.
The map file is compressed using the Deflate algorithm, and is saved in the persistentDataPath
When uncompressed, the file format is as follows:
[00-03] magic number - c0de1dea
[04] file format version - currently 01
[05] map width - uint, max value 255
[06] map height - unit, max value 255
[07-end] map data, see below - width * height * 2 bytes long
The map data is a list of tiles, starting at the West
Each tile is 2 bytes, as follows:
-First byte for tile material:
00 - grass
01 - wall
-Second byte for building:
00 - none
01 - hut
02 - tower