RecyclerGame is an educational game made with Unity 2019.3.3f1 for Web browsers (WebGL). The game teaches you how to recycle different types of garbage. In the game, the player is driving through the city and visiting different garbage bins. When the player has visited a garbage point, he is prompted to choose how to recycle the garbage he has found. The game has a point system that is based on the number of correct recycling choices and the time it took the player to finish the game.
Currently, the game is available only in the Croatian language, because there is an overwhelming lack of proper recycling in that country and I wanted to find a way to help solve that problem.
- Clone the repository or download it as a zip file and extract the internal folder "recycler-game-develop".
- Launch Unity and open the "recycler-game-develop" project
- Finally, use the play button or go to Edit > Play to start the game
- Garbage recycling
- Sound effects and background soundtrack
- Animations
- Player points and game time tracking
- Game finish and restart options
MIT - feel free to credit me or contact me in some form telling me thanks or something similar!