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WIP read clif form, translate to LSW if supported
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alanruttenberg committed Oct 15, 2019
1 parent 21ee5c7 commit 162aa54
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 0 deletions.
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions logic/read-clif.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
(in-package :logic)

(defun clif-form-to-lsw (form)
(labels ((walk (form bindings)
(print-db form bindings)
(let ((result
(if (atom form)
(or (second (assoc form bindings)) form)
(let ((head (car form)))
(if (consp head)
(error "Can't handle common logic 'wild-west' expression as predicate : ~a" head)
(let ((name (string head)))
(cond ((member name '("FORALL" "EXISTS") :test 'equalp)
(let ((vars (second form)))
(assert (every 'symbolp vars) () "Quantifier ~a expects a list of variables but got ~a" (second form))
(let ((renamed (loop for sym in vars
if (char= (char (string sym) 0) #\?)
collect (list sym sym)
collect (list sym (intern (concatenate 'string "?" (symbol-name sym)) (symbol-package sym))))))
`(:forall ,(mapcar 'second renamed)
,@(mapcar (lambda(e) (walk e (append renamed bindings))) (cddr form))))))
((member name '("AND" "OR" "IFF" "IF" "NOT" "=") :test 'equalp)
`(,(if (equal name "IF") :implies (intern name 'keyword))
,@(mapcar (lambda(e) (walk e bindings)) (cdr form))))
(t `(,head ,@(mapcar (lambda(e) (walk e bindings)) (cdr form)))))))))))
(print-db result)
(walk form nil)))

(defparameter *clif-punctuation* '(#\~ #\! #\# #\$ #\% #\^ #\& #\* #\_ #\+ #\{ #\} #\| #\: #\< #\> #\? #\` #\- #\= #\[ #\] #\; #\, #\. #\/))

(defun clif-name-char-p (char)
(or (alpha-char-p char)
(digit-char-p char)
(member char *clif-punctuation* :test 'eql)))

(defparameter *clif-readtable*
(let ((table (copy-readtable)))
(let ((*readtable* table))
(set-syntax-from-char #\' #\")
(set-macro-character #\' (lambda(stream char) `(:literal ,(funcall (get-macro-character #\") stream #\'))))
(flet ((read-clif-name (stream char)
(coerce (cons char (loop for next = (peek-char nil stream nil :eof)
until (or (eq next :eof)
(not (clif-name-char-p next)))
collect (read-char stream))) 'string)))
(loop for char in (append *clif-punctuation*

(loop for char from (char-code #\a) to (char-code #\z)
collect (code-char char))
(loop for char from (char-code #\A) to (char-code #\Z)
collect (code-char char))
(loop for char from (char-code #\0) to (char-code #\9)
collect (code-char char)))
do (set-syntax-from-char char #\a)
(set-macro-character char #'read-clif-name))))

(defun read-clif-form (stream)
(let ((*readtable* *clif-readtable*))
(read stream)))

(defun test-read-clif ()
(loop for (string result) in
'(("..." "...")
("a|b" "a|b")
("'a|b'" (:literal "a|b"))
("(cl:comment 'a|b')" ("cl:comment" (:literal "a|b"))))
for read = (read-clif-form (make-string-input-stream string))
(print-db read result)
(assert (equalp read result) ()
"input: ~s, expected: ~s, got:~s" string result read)))


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