Our app was created as a tool for Academic Circle at Poznan University of Technology. It is aimed to enhance workflow in terms of storing and managing stored items. Main features include storage management, shopping list management, events history(e.g. items removals) and assembly schemes.
- React.js
- ChakraUI
- Next.js
- MongoDB
- Auth0
- Redux
- Lodash
Section dedicated to store and edit items. Here we are capable of grouping items with categories and adding them to shopping lists.
Section dedicated to keeping shopping lists in case of lack in supplies. Here we are able to modify lists or add to list items that are not currently in our storage.
Section dedicated to keeping schemas with elements that are needed for building for instance an engine of a rocket.
Our app is available on mobile devices too!
As in majority modern apps we implemented dark theme as well.
For the app to run correctly, specify proper environment variables you must.
# mogodb credentials
MONGODB_URI=<You mongodb connection string>
# Auth0 credentials
AUTH0_SECRET=<You Auth0 secret>
AUTH0_BASE_URL=<You Auth0 base url>
AUTH0_ISSUER_BASE_URL=<You Auth0 issuer base url>
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=<You Auth0 client id>
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=<You Auth0 client secret>
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.