Website similar to Kaggle made for my University using Python and MySQL
For the containerized version (using Docker) : Sehir Study Questions Containerized
For MySQL:
- Open MySQL and make a schema with the name "studyquestions"
- Copy all the code inide "sehirstudyquestions.sql"
- Paste this code inside a new SQL Query created in "studyquestions" schema, and execute it.
For Python:
- Make sure you change the host,user, and password parameters in here, to whatever you put in your MySQL Database
database = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",
- Run
- Navigate to and enjoy the website :)
To test the website as an Instructor, simply register an account with the following credentials:
Name : Testing Instructor
email : [email protected]
password : any password
Then search for a course named Testing Purposes You will be the instructor of that course.
To test the website as a Student, credentials can be anything you'd like but make sure you use the domain in the email section