Project of the game the Settlers of Catan, for the subject Software Engineer in 2019
It is a project carried out thanks to teamwork. The working group was appointed by professors from the university in which we studied
Some of us take care of the backend and the rest of the frontend. And at the end of each part, we put them together
$ git clone
- $ cd Catan/
- $ cd backend/
- $ python -m venv catangame
- $ source catangame/bin/activate
- $ pip install -r requiements.txt
- $ cd catan/
- $ python runserver
- $ cd Catan/
- $ cd frontend/
- $ npm install
- $ echo 'REACT_APP_API="http://localhost:8000/"' > .env
- $ npm run mockapi & npm start
Then a window will open in the browser with the game.Enjoy it!