composer require gustiawan/laravel-form-builder
run this command to publish package
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Gustiawan\FormBuilder\FormBuilderServiceProvider"
change style to bootstrap if you want to use bootstrap styling
* Set your default styling
* the option is [tailwind, bootstrap]
"style" => "tailwind",
change this only if you want to use custom form template
* Fill this with your view path
"form_template" => null
create form using
php artisan make:form {name}
the file is written in App/Form
add your form depends on your need
use Gustiawan\FormBuilder\Form;
class ExampleForm extends Form
public function handle()
$this->text("textinput", "Text Input");
$this->password("password", "Old Password");
$this->textArea("text area", "Text Area", "Default Value");
$this->date("example_date", "Example Date");
$this->radio("radio_example", "Radio Example", [1 => "Option one", 2 => "Option two"], ["value" => 1]); // default value
$this->checkBox("checkbox_example", "Checkbox Example", [1 => "Option one", 2 => "Option two"], ["value" => [1, 2]]); // default value must be array
$this->select("select_field", "Select Field Example", [1 => "Option one", 2 => "Option two"], ["value" => 1]); // default value
then inside your controller
public function example()
$form = new ExampleForm([
"action" => route('example_routes'),
"method" => "POST",
// optional
"data" => [
"field_name" => "some value"
return view('example_view', compact('form'));
in your view
<x-form-generator-form :form="$form" />
to add default value to the field
$this->text("textinput", "Text Input", ["value" => "some value"]);
to make field is required field
$this->text("textinput", "Text Input", ["required" => true]);
to make field readonly
$this->text("textinput", "Text Input", ["readonly" => true]);
to make field disabled
$this->text("textinput", "Text Input", ["disabled" => true]);
to add custom class to the inputs
$this->text("textinput", "Text Input", ["class" => "datetimepicker"]);