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Merge pull request #25 from aefarrell/britter-mcquaid-plume
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Britter mcquaid plume
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aefarrell authored Jan 28, 2023
2 parents f5e65d5 + f564645 commit 983a672
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Showing 14 changed files with 588 additions and 116 deletions.
235 changes: 232 additions & 3 deletions examples/03_britter_mcquaid_plume_models.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/GasDispersion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module GasDispersion

# imports
using Markdown
using Interpolations: Extrapolation, Line, LinearInterpolation
using Interpolations
using SpecialFunctions: erf
using RecipesBase

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162 changes: 101 additions & 61 deletions src/models/britter_mcquaid_plume.jl
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@@ -1,111 +1,151 @@

struct BritterMcQuaidPlume <: PlumeModel end

struct BritterMcQuaidPlumeSolution <: Plume
c₀::Number # initial concentration, kg/m³
T′::Number # temperature correction
D::Number # critical length
lb::Number # plume dimension parameter, m
xnf::Number # near field distance
xff::Number # far field distance
A::Number # far field constant

Britter_McQuaid_correlations = Dict(
0.010 => ( αs=[-1.0, -0.7, -0.29, -0.2, 1.0],
βs=[2.25, 2.25, 2.45, 2.45, 1.83]),
0.005 => ( αs=[-1.0, -0.67, -0.28, -0.15, 1.0],
βs=[2.4, 2.4, 2.63, 2.63, 2.07]),
0.020 => ( αs=[-1.0, -0.69, -0.31, -0.16, 1.0],
βs=[2.08, 2.08, 2.25, 2.25, 1.62]),
0.002 => ( αs=[-1.0, -0.69, -0.25, -0.13, 1.0],
βs=[2.6, 2.6, 2.77, 2.77, 2.21]),
0.100 => ( αs=[-1.0, -0.55, -0.14, 1.0],
βs=[1.75, 1.75, 1.85, 1.28]),
0.050 => ( αs=[-1.0, -0.68, -0.29, -0.18, 1.0],
βs=[1.92, 1.92, 2.06, 2.06, 1.4]),

plume(scenario::Scenario, BritterMcQuaidPlume)
plume(::Scenario, BritterMcQuaidPlume)
Returns the solution to a Britter-McQuaid dispersion model for the given
Currently only implements the max concentration at a downwind distance x, the
other coordinates are ignored.
# References
+ Britter, R.E. and J. McQuaid, *Workbook on the Dispersion of Dense Gases* HSE Contract Research Report No. 17/1988, 1988
function plume(scenario::Scenario, ::Type{BritterMcQuaidPlume})

Q = _mass_rate(scenario)
h = _release_height(scenario)
Q = _release_flowrate(scenario)
= _mass_rate(scenario)
ρⱼ = _release_density(scenario)
Tᵣ = _release_temperature(scenario)

u₁₀ = _windspeed(scenario, 10.0)
ρₐ = _atmosphere_density(scenario)
Tₐ = _atmosphere_temperature(scenario)

# Setting up the Britter-McQuaid curves
britter_interps = [ ]
concs = sort(collect(keys(Britter_McQuaid_correlations)), rev=true)

for conc in concs
αs, βs = Britter_McQuaid_correlations[conc]
f = LinearInterpolation(αs, βs, extrapolation_bc=Line())
push!(britter_interps, (c=conc, it=f))
# initial concentration
c₀ =/Q

# relative density
g = 9.80616 # gravity, m/s^2
gₒ = g * ((ρⱼ - ρₐ)/ ρₐ)

# critical distance
Vr = Q/ρⱼ # volumetric release rate
D = (Vr/u₁₀)
D = (Q/u₁₀)

# temperature correction
T′ = Tₐ/Tᵣ
T′ = Tᵣ/Tₐ

# correlation parameter
α = 0.2*log10( gₒ^2 * Vr * u₁₀^-5 )
α = 0.2*log10( gₒ^2 * Q * u₁₀^-5 )

# setting up correlation for constant α
# calculates the points for the linear interpolation
concs = [ elem.c for elem in britter_interps ]
βs = [α) for elem in britter_interps ]
concs, βs = _bm_pl_c(α)

# near-field location
xnf = 30
xmin = 10^(minimum(βs))
if xnf < xmin
# linear interpolation between the near-field correlation
# and the main correlation
βnf = log10(xnf)
cnf = 306*xnf^-2 / (1+ 306*xnf^-2)
βs = [ βnf; βs]
concs = [ cnf; concs ]
# for α > 0.605 the near-field overlaps with the correlation
# stop the near-field correlation early
# (this can lead to discontinuities)
xnf = xmin

# linear interpolation
itp = interpolate((βs,), concs, Gridded(Linear()))

# linear interpolation between the short distance correlation
# and the main correlation
βs = [ log10(30); βs]
concs = [ 306*30^-2 / (1+ 306*30^-2); concs ]
# far field correlation
# starts at last interpolation point and decays like x′^-2
xff = 10^(maximum(βs))
A = minimum(concs)*xff^2

# linear interpolation, extrapolates past the end with a straight line
interpolation = LinearInterpolation(βs, concs, extrapolation_bc=Line())
# plume dimension parameters
lb = Q*gₒ/(u₁₀^3)

return BritterMcQuaidPlumeSolution(
scenario, #scenario::Scenario
:brittermcquaid, #model::Symbol
ρⱼ, #jet_density::Number
T′, #temperature_correction::Number
D, #D::Number
interpolation #interpolation::Extrapolation
c₀, # initial concentration, kg/m³
T′, # temperature_correction
D, # critical length, m
lb, # length parameter, m
itp, # interpolation::Extrapolation
xnf, # near-field distance
xff, # far-field distance
A # far-field constant

function (b::BritterMcQuaidPlumeSolution)(x, y=0, z=0)
ρⱼ = b.jet_density
T′ = b.temperature_correction
D = b.critical_distance
x′ = x/D
if x′ < 30
# use short distance correlation
c′ = x′ > 0 ? 306*x′^-2 / (1+ 306*x′^-2) : 1.0
function (b::BritterMcQuaidPlumeSolution)(x, y, z)

# plume dimension parameters
Lu = 0.5*b.D + 2*
Lh0 = b.D + 8*

# domain check
if (x < -Lu) || (z < 0)
return 0.0

# plume dimensions
if x < 0
# Britter-McQuaid model does not give a profile for x<0
# assuming crosswind length is Lh0
Lh = Lh0
Lh = Lh0 + 2.5*cbrt(*x^2)

# within the crosswind extent of the plume
if (y < -Lh) || (y > Lh)
return 0.0

x′ = x/b.D
if x′ b.xnf
# use near-field correlation
c′ = x′ > 0 ? 306*x′^-2 / (1+ 306*x′^-2) : 1.0
elseif b.xnf < x′ < b.xff
# use linear interpolation
β = log10(x′)
c′ = b.interpolation(β)
c′ = b.itp(β)
# use far-field correlation
# where A is a function of α
c′ = b.A/(x′^2)

# non-isothermal correction
c′ = c′ / (c′ + (1 - c′)*b.T′)
c = b.c₀*c′

# vertical extent, from continuity
Lv = (b.D^2)/(2*Lh*c′)
if z Lv
return c
return 0.0
c = ( ρⱼ*c′*T′) / (1 - c′ + c′*T′)
return c
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/models/gaussian_plume.jl
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Expand Up @@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ end
Returns the solution to a Gaussian plume dispersion model for the given scenario.
The Gaussian plume model is per *Guidelines for Consequence Analysis of Chemical
Release*, CCPS, New York (1999)
c\left(x,y,z\right) = { \dot{m} \over { 2 \pi \sigma_{y} \sigma_{z} u } }
\exp \left[ -\frac{1}{2} \left( y \over \sigma_{y} \right)^2 \right] \\
Expand All @@ -30,9 +27,13 @@ c\left(x,y,z\right) = { \dot{m} \over { 2 \pi \sigma_{y} \sigma_{z} u } }
where the σs are dispersion parameters correlated with the distance x
# References
+ CCPS, *Guidelines for Consequence Analysis of Chemical Releases*, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York (1999)
# Arguments
- `downwash::Bool=false`: when true, includes stack-downwash effects
- `plumerise::Bool=false`: when true, includes plume-rise effects using Briggs' model
function plume(scenario::Scenario, ::Type{GaussianPlume}; downwash::Bool=false, plumerise::Bool=false)
# parameters of the jet
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/models/gaussian_puff.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,13 +12,10 @@ struct GaussianPuffSolution{S<:StabilityClass} <: Puff

@doc doc"""
puff(scenario::Scenario, GaussianPuff)
puff(::Scenario, GaussianPuff)
Returns the solution to a Gaussian puff dispersion model for the given scenario.
The Gaussian puff model is per *Guidelines for Consequence Analysis of Chemical
Release*, CCPS, New York (1999)
c\left(x,y,z,t\right) = \dot{m} \Delta t
{ { \exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} \left( {x - u t } \over \sigma_x \right)^2 \right) } \over { \sqrt{2\pi} \sigma_x } }
Expand All @@ -27,6 +24,9 @@ c\left(x,y,z,t\right) = \dot{m} \Delta t
+ \exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} \left( {z + h} \over \sigma_z \right)^2 \right) } \over { \sqrt{2\pi} \sigma_z } }
# References
+ CCPS, *Guidelines for Consequence Analysis of Chemical Releases*, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York (1999)
function puff(scenario::Scenario, ::Type{GaussianPuff})

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/models/intpuff.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ struct IntPuffSolution{T<:Number,S<:StabilityClass} <: Puff

@doc doc"""
puff(scenario::Scenario, IntPuff; kwargs...)
puff(::Scenario, IntPuff; kwargs...)
Returns the solution to an integrated Gaussian dispersion model, where the
release is modeled as a sequence of Gaussian puffs, for the given scenario.
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/models/simple_jet.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,14 +14,11 @@ struct SimpleJetSolution <: Plume

@doc doc"""
plume(scenario::Scenario, SimpleJet; kwargs...)
plume(::Scenario, SimpleJet; kwargs...)
Returns the solution to a simple turbulent jet dispersion model for the given
The turbulent jet model is per Long, V.D., "Estimation of the Extent of Hazard
Areas Around a Vent", *Chem. Process Hazard*, II, 6, 1963
c\left(x,y,z\right) = k_2 c_0 \left( d \over z \right) \sqrt{ \rho_j \over \rho_a }
\exp \left( - \left( k_3 { r \over z } \right)^2 \right)
Expand All @@ -31,10 +28,14 @@ where *r* is the radial distance from the jet centerline. Assumes a circular jet
with diameter equal to the jet diameter. Ground-reflection is included by method
of images.
# References
+ Long, V.D., "Estimation of the Extent of Hazard Areas Around a Vent" *Chem. Process Hazard*, II:6 (1963)
# Arguments
- `release_angle::Number=0`: the angle at which the jet is released, in radians
- `k2::Number=6` parameter of the model, default value is recommended by Long
- `k3::Number=5` parameter of the model, default value is recommended by Long
function plume(scenario::Scenario, ::Type{SimpleJet}; release_angle::Number=0.0, k2::Number=6.0, k3::Number=5.0)
# Density correction
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/source_models/jet_source.jl
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Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Returns returns a scenario for a simple jet from a circular hole. The
jet can either be a liquid or a gas (in which case it is assumed to be an ideal
gas and the jet is isentropic).
Liquid and gas discharge models are per *Guidelines for Consequence Analysis of
Chemical Release*, CCPS, New York (1999)
# References
+ CCPS, *Guidelines for Consequence Analysis of Chemical Releases*, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York (1999)
# Arguments
- `phase=:liquid`: the phase, either :liquid or :gas
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