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Move track state creator etc. out of the CKF.
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Merge retrieval of source link ranges, measurement selection and
track state creation into one unit which the CKF interacts with
via a single delegate. The delegates for measurement selection
track state creation and calibration are removed from the CKF

The original building blocks (SourceLink accessor, measurement selector,
and track state creator) can still be used, however require to setup an
additional helper object which combines these independent components. The
algorithmic code is unchanged.
  • Loading branch information
Goetz Gaycken committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent 6c910a6 commit dbd9d5e
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Showing 8 changed files with 511 additions and 424 deletions.
405 changes: 27 additions & 378 deletions Core/include/Acts/TrackFinding/CombinatorialKalmanFilter.hpp

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
// This file is part of the ACTS project.
// Copyright (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ACTS project
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at

#pragma once

#include "Acts/TrackFitting/KalmanFitter.hpp"
#include "Acts/Utilities/Result.hpp"

#include <vector>

namespace Acts {

namespace CkfTypes {

/// expected max number of track states that are expected to be added by
/// stateCandidateCreator
/// @note if the number of states exceeds this number dynamic memory allocation will occur.
/// the number is chosen to yield a container size of 64 bytes.

static constexpr std::size_t s_maxBranchesPerSurface = 10;
template <typename T>
using BranchVector = boost::container::small_vector<T, s_maxBranchesPerSurface>;

using BoundState = std::tuple<BoundTrackParameters, BoundMatrix, double>;

} // namespace CkfTypes

/// Return type of the `BranchStopper` delegate for the
/// CombinatorialKalmanFilter
enum class CombinatorialKalmanFilterBranchStopperResult {

/// Extension struct which holds the delegates to customize the CKF behavior
template <typename track_container_t>
struct CombinatorialKalmanFilterExtensions {
using traj_t = typename track_container_t::TrackStateContainerBackend;
using TrackProxy = typename track_container_t::TrackProxy;
using TrackStateProxy = typename track_container_t::TrackStateProxy;

using BranchStopperResult = CombinatorialKalmanFilterBranchStopperResult;

using Updater = typename KalmanFitterExtensions<traj_t>::Updater;
using BranchStopper =
Delegate<BranchStopperResult(const TrackProxy&, const TrackStateProxy&)>;

/// The updater incorporates measurement information into the track parameters
Updater updater{DelegateFuncTag<detail::voidFitterUpdater<traj_t>>{}};

/// The branch stopper is called during the filtering by the Actor.
BranchStopper branchStopper{DelegateFuncTag<voidBranchStopper>{}};

/// @brief Delegate the extension of the trajectory onto the given surface to
/// an external unit.
/// @note Expected to create track states for measurements associated to the
/// given surface which match the given bound state. Moreover the
/// The "filtered" data is not expected to be set, but the outlier
/// flag should be set for states that are considered to be outlier.
/// @param geoContext The current geometry context
/// @param calibrationContext pointer to the current calibration context
/// @param surface the surface at which new track states are to be created
/// @param boundState the current bound state of the trajectory
/// @param prevTip Index pointing at previous trajectory state (i.e. tip)
/// @param trackStateCandidates a temporary buffer that can be used to collect track states
/// @param trajectory the trajectory to which the new states are to be added
/// @param logger a logger for messages
/// @return indices of new track states which extend the trajectory given by prevTip

using TrackStateCreator =
const GeometryContext& geoContext,
const CalibrationContext& calibrationContext, const Surface& surface,
const CkfTypes::BoundState& boundState, TrackIndexType prevTip,
std::vector<TrackStateProxy>& trackStateCandidates,
traj_t& trajectory, const Logger& logger)>;

/// The delegate to create new track states.
/// @note a reference implementation can be found in @ref TrackStateCreator
/// which makes uses of @ref MeasurementSelector and SourceLinkAccessor
TrackStateCreator createTrackStates;

/// Default branch stopper which will never stop
/// @return false
static BranchStopperResult voidBranchStopper(
const TrackProxy& /*track*/, const TrackStateProxy& /*trackState*/) {
return BranchStopperResult::Continue;
} // namespace Acts
294 changes: 294 additions & 0 deletions Core/include/Acts/TrackFinding/TrackStateCreator.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
// This file is part of the ACTS project.
// Copyright (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ACTS project
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at

#pragma once

// for definitions of Calibrator, MeasurementSelector
#include "Acts/TrackFinding/CombinatorialKalmanFilterExtensions.hpp"
#include "Acts/TrackFitting/KalmanFitter.hpp"

namespace Acts {

/// @brief Create track states for selected measurements associated to a surface.
/// - First get a source link range covering relevant measurements associated to
/// the given surface. This task is delegated to a SourceLinkAccessor.
/// - Then create temporary track states for all measurements defined
/// by a source link range, calibrate the measurements and fill the
/// the calibrated data of these track states using a dedicated calibrator
/// - The measurement selection is delegated to a dedicated measurement
/// selector.
/// - Finally add branches to the given trajectory for the selected, temporary
/// track states. The track states of these branches still lack the filtered
/// data which is to be filled by the next stage e.g. the
/// CombinatorialKalmanFilter.
/// All track states, the temporary track states and track states for selected
/// measurements, are created in the given trajectory. The resulting container
/// may become big. Thus, it is advisable to copy selected tracks and their
/// track states to a separate container after each track finding step.
template <typename source_link_iterator_t, typename track_container_t>
struct TrackStateCreator {
using TrackStatesResult =
using TrackStateContainerBackend =
typename track_container_t::TrackStateContainerBackend;
using TrackProxy = typename track_container_t::TrackProxy;
using TrackStateProxy = typename track_container_t::TrackStateProxy;
using BoundState = std::tuple<BoundTrackParameters, BoundMatrix, double>;
using candidate_container_t =
typename std::vector<typename track_container_t::TrackStateProxy>;

// delegate definition to get source link ranges for a surface
using SourceLinkAccessor =
Delegate<std::pair<source_link_iterator_t, source_link_iterator_t>(
const Surface&)>;

// delegate to get calibrted measurements from a source link iterator
using Calibrator =
typename KalmanFitterExtensions<TrackStateContainerBackend>::Calibrator;

// delegate to select measurements from a track state range
using MeasurementSelector =
Delegate<Result<std::pair<typename candidate_container_t::iterator,
typename candidate_container_t::iterator>>(
candidate_container_t& trackStates, bool&, const Logger&)>;

/// The source link accessor will return an source link range for a surface
/// which link to the associated measurements.
SourceLinkAccessor sourceLinkAccessor;

/// The Calibrator is a dedicated calibration algorithm that allows to
/// calibrate measurements using track information, this could be e.g. sagging
/// for wires, module deformations, etc.
Calibrator calibrator{DelegateFuncTag<

MeasurementSelector measurementSelector{

/// @brief extend the trajectory onto the given surface.
/// @param gctx The geometry context to be used for this task
/// @param calibrationContext The calibration context used to fill the calibrated data
/// @param surface The surface onto which the trajectory is extended
/// @param boundState the predicted bound state on the given surface
/// @param prevTip the tip of the trajectory which is to be extended
/// @param trackStateCandidates a temporary buffer which can be used to
/// to keep track of newly created temporary track states.
/// @param trajectory the trajectory to be extended.
/// @param logger a logger for messages.
/// @return a list of indices of newly created track states which extend the
/// trajectory onto the given surface and match the bound state, or an
/// error.
/// Extend or branch the trajectory onto the given surface. This may create
/// new track states using measurements which match the predicted bound state.
/// This may create multiple branches. The new track states still miss the
/// "filtered" data.
Result<CkfTypes::BranchVector<TrackIndexType>> createTrackStates(
const GeometryContext& gctx, const CalibrationContext& calibrationContext,
[[maybe_unused]] const Surface& surface, const BoundState& boundState,
TrackIndexType prevTip,
std::vector<TrackStateProxy>& trackStateCandidates,
TrackStateContainerBackend& trajectory, const Logger& logger) const {
TrackStatesResult tsRes = TrackStatesResult::success({});
using SourceLinkRange = decltype(sourceLinkAccessor(surface));
SourceLinkRange slRange = sourceLinkAccessor(surface);
if (slRange.first != slRange.second) {
auto [slBegin, slEnd] = slRange;
tsRes = createSourceLinkTrackStates(
gctx, calibrationContext, surface, boundState, slBegin, slEnd,
prevTip, trackStateCandidates, trajectory, logger);
return tsRes;

/// Create track states for selected measurements given by the source links
/// @param gctx The current geometry context
/// @param calibrationContext pointer to the current calibration context
/// @param surface the surface the sourceLinks are associated to
/// @param boundState Bound state from the propagation on this surface
/// @param slBegin Begin iterator for sourceLinks
/// @param slEnd End iterator for sourceLinks
/// @param prevTip Index pointing at previous trajectory state (i.e. tip)
/// @param trackStateCandidates a temporary buffer which can be used to
/// to keep track of newly created temporary track states.
/// @param trajectory the trajectory to which new track states for selected measurements will be added
/// @param logger the logger for messages.
Result<CkfTypes::BranchVector<TrackIndexType>> createSourceLinkTrackStates(
const GeometryContext& gctx, const CalibrationContext& calibrationContext,
[[maybe_unused]] const Surface& surface, const BoundState& boundState,
source_link_iterator_t slBegin, source_link_iterator_t slEnd,
TrackIndexType prevTip,
std::vector<TrackStateProxy>& trackStateCandidates,
TrackStateContainerBackend& trajectory, const Logger& logger) const {
using PM = TrackStatePropMask;

using ResultTrackStateList =
ResultTrackStateList resultTrackStateList{
const auto& [boundParams, jacobian, pathLength] = boundState;

if constexpr (std::ranges::random_access_range<source_link_iterator_t>) {
trackStateCandidates.reserve(std::distance(slBegin, slEnd));

// Calibrate all the source links on the surface since the selection has
// to be done based on calibrated measurement
for (auto it = slBegin; it != slEnd; ++it) {
// get the source link
const auto sourceLink = *it;

// prepare the track state
PM mask = PM::Predicted | PM::Jacobian | PM::Calibrated;
if (it != slBegin) {
// not the first TrackState, only need uncalibrated and calibrated
mask = PM::Calibrated;

ACTS_VERBOSE("Create temp track state with mask: " << mask);
// Temporary and final track states are created in the same
// trajectory, which could lead to very large containers.

// CAREFUL! This trackstate has a previous index that is not in this
// MultiTrajectory Visiting backwards from this track state will
// fail!
auto ts = trajectory.makeTrackState(mask, prevTip);

if (it == slBegin) {
// only set these for first
ts.predicted() = boundParams.parameters();
if (boundParams.covariance()) {
ts.predictedCovariance() = *boundParams.covariance();
ts.jacobian() = jacobian;
} else {
// subsequent track states can reuse
auto& first = trackStateCandidates.front();
ts.shareFrom(first, PM::Predicted);
ts.shareFrom(first, PM::Jacobian);

ts.pathLength() = pathLength;

// now calibrate the track state
calibrator(gctx, calibrationContext, sourceLink, ts);


bool isOutlier = false;
Result<std::pair<typename std::vector<TrackStateProxy>::iterator,
typename std::vector<TrackStateProxy>::iterator>>
selectorResult =
measurementSelector(trackStateCandidates, isOutlier, logger);
if (!selectorResult.ok()) {
ACTS_ERROR("Selection of calibrated measurements failed: "
<< selectorResult.error().message());
resultTrackStateList =
} else {
auto selectedTrackStateRange = *selectorResult;
resultTrackStateList = processSelectedTrackStates(
selectedTrackStateRange.first, selectedTrackStateRange.second,
trajectory, isOutlier, logger);

return resultTrackStateList;

/// Create track states for the given trajectory from candidate track states
/// @param begin begin iterator of the list of candidate track states
/// @param end end iterator of the list of candidate track states
/// @param trackStates the trajectory to which the new track states are added
/// @param isOutlier true if the candidate(s) is(are) an outlier(s).
/// @param logger the logger for messages
Result<CkfTypes::BranchVector<TrackIndexType>> processSelectedTrackStates(
typename std::vector<TrackStateProxy>::const_iterator begin,
typename std::vector<TrackStateProxy>::const_iterator end,
TrackStateContainerBackend& trackStates, bool isOutlier,
const Logger& logger) const {
using PM = TrackStatePropMask;

using ResultTrackStateList =
ResultTrackStateList resultTrackStateList{
CkfTypes::BranchVector<TrackIndexType>& trackStateList =
trackStateList.reserve(end - begin);

std::optional<TrackStateProxy> firstTrackState{std::nullopt};
for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
auto& candidateTrackState = *it;

PM mask = PM::Predicted | PM::Filtered | PM::Jacobian | PM::Calibrated;
if (it != begin) {
// subsequent track states don't need storage for these as they will
// be shared
mask &= ~PM::Predicted & ~PM::Jacobian;
if (isOutlier) {
// outlier won't have separate filtered parameters
mask &= ~PM::Filtered;

// copy this trackstate into fitted states MultiTrajectory
auto trackState =
trackStates.makeTrackState(mask, candidateTrackState.previous());
ACTS_VERBOSE("Create SourceLink output track state #"
<< trackState.index() << " with mask: " << mask);

if (it != begin) {
// assign indices pointing to first track state
trackState.shareFrom(*firstTrackState, PM::Predicted);
trackState.shareFrom(*firstTrackState, PM::Jacobian);
} else {
firstTrackState = trackState;

// either copy ALL or everything except for predicted and jacobian
trackState.copyFrom(candidateTrackState, mask, false);

auto typeFlags = trackState.typeFlags();
if (trackState.referenceSurface().surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
if (isOutlier) {
// propagate information that this is an outlier state
"Creating outlier track state with tip = " << trackState.index());

return resultTrackStateList;

/// Default measurement selector which will return all measurements
/// @param candidates Measurement track state candidates
static Result<std::pair<typename std::vector<TrackStateProxy>::iterator,
typename std::vector<TrackStateProxy>::iterator>>
voidMeasurementSelector(typename std::vector<TrackStateProxy>& candidates,
bool& /*isOutlier*/, const Logger& /*logger*/) {
return std::pair{candidates.begin(), candidates.end()};

} // namespace Acts

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