Fictional company Alphabet Soup requested a binary classifier that is capable of predicting whether organizations will be successful if Alphabet Soup provides them funding. Alphabet Soup provided a dataset that contained more than 34,000 organizations that received funding from them. This dataset captured the following:
- EIN and NAME—Identification columns
- APPLICATION_TYPE—Alphabet Soup application type
- AFFILIATION—Affiliated sector of industry
- CLASSIFICATION—Government organization classification
- USE_CASE—Use case for funding
- ORGANIZATION—Organization type
- STATUS—Active status
- INCOME_AMT—Income classification
- SPECIAL_CONSIDERATIONS—Special consideration for application
- ASK_AMT—Funding amount requested
- IS_SUCCESSFUL—Was the money used effectively
A neural network model was created to determine if an organization would be successful or not if Alphabet Soup provided them funding. Alphabet Soup required that the model's target predictive accuracy was 75%.
- charity_data.csv
- sci-kit learn model_selection Documentation
- sci-kit learn preprocessing StandardScaler Documentation
- sci-kit learn preprocessing OneHotEncoder Documentation
- TensorFlow Documentation Documentation
- TensorFlow Keras Documentation
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python v3.x
- Pandas
- OS
- Sci-Kit Learn
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- Target variable: IS_SUCCESSFUL
- This is also known as the dependent variable or 'y'
- Features are also known as independent variables, or 'X'
- Removed variables: EIN and NAME
- These were identification columns that did not add value to the model
The initial attempt at achieving a predictive accuracy of 75% used two hidden layers that featured 80 neurons in the first layer and 30 neurons in the second layer. Both hidden layers utilized the rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function. The output layer utilized the sigmoid function. This gave a total of 6,061 trainable parameters and 0 non-trainable parameters.
This model gave an accuracy score of 72.5%, which did not meet Alphabet Soup's threshold.
The column 'SPECIAL_CONSIDERATIONS' was dropped for the first attempt at optimizing this model, as it did not appear to add value as a feature.
This optimized model received nearly the same predictive accuracy score as the initial model.
Additional layers and neurons were added to the model for the second optimization attempt. The neurons in the first hidden layer were increased to 100 and the neurons in the second layer were increased to 50. A third layer was added and consisted of 25 neurons. All three layers utilized the ReLU activation function. This gave the model a total of 10,651 trainable parameters and 0 non-trainable parameters.
The second attempt at optimizing the model gave a slightly better predictive accuracy score of 72.6%, but also had a slightly higher loss than the first optimization and intial model.
For the third optimization attempt, the hyperbolic tangent activation function (Tanh).
This slightly degraded the model's predictive accuracy, but still performed better than the initial model and first optimized model. This model's predictive accuracy was 72.6%.
Overall, optimizing the initial model did not significantly improve its predictive accuracy. All four models failed to meet Alphabet Soup's threshold of 75%. Since Alphabet Soup's request was a essentially a binary classifer, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) could be used. SVMs are one of the most robust prediction methods and are great for classification and regression analysis. SVMs use points in space in order to maximize the width of a gap between two categories and maps new points into that space and predicts which category the points belong to based on which side of the gap they are on. Additional testing and evaluation of Alphabet Soup's data should be conducted in order to determine if an SVM would yield a predicitive accuracy score of 75% or higher.