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This website has been designed for a Venture Capital Company. Attached you can find the Design document, the documentation, and the implementation code (and usability inspection?) of the website.

Project Description

In this repository you can find the design and the implementation of a website of a possible Venture Capital Company. As a VC, its goal is to show the areas of interest and the companies in which the people of the VC invest.

The requirements contain some constraints about the relationships of the main entities of the website. The project is divided into four main parts: Design, Backend, Frontend and Usability test.


Before starting you have to download or fork the project on your PC and follow the installation of NodeJS. Once done, you have to run in both Backend and Frontend folders:

npm install

When everything is ready, use in the backend folder to ensure that everything is ok there:

node index.js

Therefore go in the frontend folder and run the project:

npm run dev


In this section we talk about the high-level structure and organization of the hypermedia application. It describes the major components and their relationships, providing an understanding of how different sections of the system work together to achieve the specific functionality.

  1. System Components: The repository is split into two main parts: Backend and Frontend. We will better focus on the specific sections. In Backend, you can find the relational database and the package needed to run the application (see the section \ref{sec: Backend} for more information). In the folder 'Frontend', there is everything that is due to the design and implementation of the website: it means we put all the HTML/CSS code used to see the pages together with the necessary javascript scripts needed to run the website. Together with the pages of the website, there is also a folder "components" with all the VUE components used in one or more pages of the website.
  2. Component Interaction: Backend and frontend communicate one each other thanks to JavaScript functions, like:

const { data: WhatYouWantToRetrieve } = await useFetch(useRuntimeConfig().public.serverURL + '/WhatYouWantToRetrieveFolder')

Remember to run the command in the terminal in Backend folder

node index.js

and in Frontend folder with the command:

npm run dev

  1. Data Flow: All Data is stored in the file dbInit.js and it is static. It means that it is not updated externally by the user, but can be updated only by the developer adding new fields or modyfying the one already existing in the dbInit.js file and in index.js file
  2. Scalability and Performance: The website is optimized for both Mobile and Desktop. We simplified some features in the mobile version of the code in order to make the application faster and more usable.
  3. Deployment Considerations: All the code needed to run the application is contained in this repository and the host of the website online used to run this application is github pages.
  4. Technologies Used: The website has been developed thanks to the VUE.js framework together with NodeJS and it has been published online using Github pages.
  5. Hosting service: We decided to use github pages because we designed a static website and we don't need to update the database when the user needs.
  6. Rendering mode: we don't need to update data frequently or when we prefer not to pre-render pages to mantain a good performance of the webiste. So we exluded the CSR method. We didn't have dynamic data in our design of the Database so we decided not to use neither SSR. It is the reason why at the end we used SSG. With static-site generation (SSG), the page fetches data once during build-time. You can see it running the node index.js in the Backend older. We decided to use static-generated pages because they are very fast and perform well because all the pages are built beforehand. We needed to maximize the performance on all the devices. In general we know that SSG is perfect for pages and it is exactly our case.


Design in-the-large with C-IDM, and in the small with the Wireframes can be found, together with use case scenarios and database design, in the folder Design Document.



Backend is mainly made by 4 files, two javascript files and two are jjson files:

  • dbInit.js: here all data of the database needed in the website is contained and defined.
  • index.js: Definition of all tables needed to make the website working. The Server is initialized with company and people (where you can find all the data related to those table) and they are connected one each other (as defined in the Realtional schema of the database)
  • package-lock.json: here all the package and modules needed are defined, in order to make the website working.
  • pagkage.json: General information about the application with the dependencies needed

The list of extra modules imported in the project and that you need to install are:

  • "cors": "^2.8.5": used to fix the localhost address (link used to open the project):

const corsOptions = { origin: "http://localhost:3000" // The link of your project when run locally }

  • "express": "^4.18.2": It is used to manage the routing and the get function in HTTP methods
  • "sequelize": "^6.29.3" and "sqlite3": "^5.1.6" are used to work in SQL and manage database.


In access of the Databasem you need some parameters, in both companies and people you need:

  • id (required): The ID of the person/company the user want to retrieve from the database.

The response can be:

  • 200 OK - Person/Company information returned successfully.
  • 404 Not Found - Object not found.


Frontend folder is split in many folders and many parts:

  • In assets you can find some of the images used in the webiste (some others are directly retrieved by link from the Web) and the global css model of the website. Here, in particular, the tailwind library is defined. Also default.vue in layout folder gives a default setting
  • In Components there are all the components that have been used in the pages of the website. For component we mean a modular, reusable, and self-contained unit of code that performs a specific function. It is a building block or a piece of code that encapsulates related functionality and data together.
  • dist folder is used only to render the github page online. It is in practice one folder of the output folder, used to render all the website.
  • pages folder contains all the pages of the website. The order mantains the structure you can find in the website, so the branches will be in folders and then the leaves subfolders.

You can notice that we could make all the areas with a single page connected to the database (like [id].vue file in both folders people and companies). We decided to put in the database only data that can change in time, so people and companies. We think that areas will be immutable in the story of the company, or at least will not change as fast as the other two components mentioned above. For this reason we preferred to put the areas in static pages without a connection to the database.

  • In package.json there is a list of extra modules imported in the project:
    • "autoprefixer": A tool that automatically adds vendor prefixes to CSS properties, ensuring better cross-browser compatibility.
    • "gh-pages": A utility for publishing web pages directly from a Git repository to GitHub Pages.
    • "nuxt": A Vue.js framework for building static websites.
    • "postcss": A tool for transforming CSS styles using JavaScript plugins, enabling tasks such as autoprefixing, minification, and more.
    • "tailwindcss": A highly customizable CSS framework that provides utility classes for quickly building responsive and modern user interfaces. We used it only for the form in "Get in Touch" section.


The main components of the application are:

  • Carousel: Carousel component is used to display a set of images or content in a slideshow format. It allows users to navigate through the images or content horizontally. It is used in "About us" section to show the most relevant moment in the history of the company. The Carousel is made by 6 slides and on the right and on the left there are two arrows that allow you to go to the next and to the previous slide. Slides are made by a header with a paragraph, contained in a container with low opacity. On the background you can see a specific image for each slide. immagine

  • Cards: Cards are UI components that represent a small, self-contained unit of content. Cards contain:

    • Image, Area and role of people working in the company in "Our Team" section.
    • Logo, CEO and Area of companies of Investments in "Investments" section.
    • In details the properties are:
      • title: main information to display. It is the name of the person in "Our Team"
      • subtitle: second information to display. It is the role and the area in the company for people in "Our Team" and it is the CEO and the area in Investments.
      • link: link to the page description, in both "Our Team" and "Investments"
      • img: image you can see of the person who works in Ventour and the icon of the company immagine
  • Footer: The footer component appears at the bottom of the webpage or application screen and gives some information about:

    • Copyright notices
    • Services and contacts links.
    • Social media links.
    • The main properties are given by:
      • Service: External and useful link.
      • Contact: Main information to keep in contact with Ventour
      • Social Media icons: 3 icons of the three main social the Ventour uses, so Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin immagine Footer also change between Desktop mode (horizontal) and mobile (vertical)
  • Header: The header component is located at the top of the webpage. It includes the logo and navigation menus to the main pages of the website (about us, our team, Investments and Get in Touch). Header is one of the components that changes between mobile and desktop and the difference is in the presence of a so called hamburger menu. It allows the mobile user to choose among the section by clicking on the 3 rows. On the other hand, in desktop mode, all the section can be seen in the header. Here we can provide the two examples because they are quite different:



  • Supervisor: gives to each company the right supervisor. The only one property is the name of the supervisor. The output is the following immagine

  • CardSection: cards here are made by containers that are clickable and inside there is the image of the company and in the bottom 2 subtitles with name of the CEO and the Area. The result is the following: immagine There are the following properties:

    • Image container with the logo;
    • 2 subtitles with name of the CEO and the area the company mainly addresses.

In the website you can find some functions that help the users finding information and achieving thei goals (i.e. apply for a new job position or ask Ventour to invest in their company) and some function built in order to make the website responsive for both mobile and desktop. The main functions we have developed are:

  • Mobile vs Desktop: some of the components have been designed with a media query in the css. It allows us to see different dimensions of objects in the screen depending on the dimension on the screen used. Even if it can be considered a good option, we thought it was better to build some specific class for mobile, in order to design page that is more suitable for mobile. It is the reason why in some pages we used this function (an example is the header)
  • Filter by: we exploited some fields of the database to filter data in "Our Team" and "Investments" pages. In Investments page you can filter companies by area, but also the most important companies (they are showed also in Home Page). Filters can be mixed, such a way the user can filter only by area, only the Most Relevant, or both.
  • Search by name: in Investments page gives you the possibility to search among all the companies that are present in the database, therefore among all the one Ventour has connection with
  • Forms: This is the last function I'm going to describe and it is in between a component and a function. The style is a component that has been retrieved by tailwind-css, but the function has been all developed by us. The forms retrieves data from some mandatory fields in the forms and automatically generate the e-mail. The function gives a warning if the user doesn't put all the information.

The user has to read the warning. Indeed the attachment can be loaded on the page but it has to be reloaded also in the email for privacy reason.


Brief description of the project explaining the chosen theme • List of Components implemented with description, props and emit (if used) Additionally, you can add descriptions (not mandatory) of: • Extra functionalities implemented (e.g., store, filters, etc...) • different approaches from what was discussed during lectures. • Approaches used to comply with accessibility and SEO guidelines.

Usability test?


Website coding project carried in Polictenico di Milano







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
