This package contains a basic template structure for NVDA add-on development, building, distribution and localization. For details about NVDA add-on development please see the NVDA Developer Guide. The NVDA addon development/discussion list is here
Copyright (C) 2012-2019 nvda addon team contributors.
This package is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. Please see the file COPYING.txt for further details.
This template provides the following features you can use to help NVDA add-on development:
- Automatic add-on package creation, with naming and version loaded from a centralized build variables file (
- Manifest file creation using a template (manifest.ini.tpl). Build variables are replaced on this template.
- Compilation of gettext mo files before distribution, when needed.
- To generate a gettext pot file, please run scons pot. A addon-name.pot file will be created with all gettext messages for your add-on. You need to check the buildVars.i18nSources variable to comply with your requirements.
- Automatic generation of manifest localization files directly from gettext po files. Please make sure is included in i18nFiles.
- Automatic generation of HTML documents from markdown (.md) files, to manage documentation in different languages.
You need the following software to use this code for your NVDA add-ons development:
- a Python distribution (2.7 or greater is recommended). Check the Python Website for Windows Installers.
- Scons - Website - version 2.1.0 or greater. Install it using easy_install or grab an windows installer from the website.
- GNU Gettext tools, if you want to have localization support for your add-on - Recommended. Any Linux distro or cygwin have those installed. You can find windows builds here.
- Markdown-2.0.1 or greater, if you want to convert documentation files to HTML documents. You can Download Markdown-2.0.1 installer for Windows or get it using
easy_install markdown
- Create an empty folder to hold the files for your add-on.
- Copy the site_scons folder, and the following files, into your new empty folder:, manifest.ini.tpl, manifest-translated.ini.tpl, sconstruct, .gitignore, and .gitattributes
- Create an addon folder inside your new folder. Inside the *addon folder, create needed folders for the add-on modules (e.g. appModules, synthDrivers, etc.). An add-on may have one or more module folders.
- In the file, change variable addon_info with your add-on's information (name, summary, description, version, author and url).
- Put your code in the usual folders for NVDA extension, under the addon folder. For instance: globalPlugins, synthDrivers, etc.
- Gettext translations must be placed into addon\locale<lang>/LC_MESSAGES\nvda.po.
- Copy the file for your add-on to the first created folder, where you copied You can also copy style.css to improve the presentation of HTML documents.
- Documentation files (named must be placed into addon\doc<lang>/.
+### To package the add-on for distribution:
- Open a command line, change to the folder that has the sconstruct file (usually the root of your add-on development folder) and run the scons command. The created add-on, if there were no errors, is placed in the current directory.
- You can further customize variables in the file.
Note that this template only provides a basic add-on structure and build infrastructure. You may need to adapt it for your specific needs.
If you have any issues please use the NVDA addon list mentioned above.