- by tj author: Abtahi Tajwar
- tjFancyCursor.js
- tjFancyCursor.css Also provided with an index.js file for support
- Create an html file example: index.html
- Include script tjFancyCursor.js at the end of the body example: <script src="tjFancyCursor.js"></script>
- Link tjFancyCursor.css at head example:
- Create a div with class tj-cursor example:
- Create a script file and include it after 'tjFancyCursor.js'
- In script file call functions below to create buttons and effects
- tjFancyCursor(height, width, button color HTML CSS value); //Creating Fancy Hover Button
- Create an html file example: index.html
- Include script tjFancyCursor.js at the end of the body example: <script src="tjFancyCursor.js"></script>
- Link tjFancyCursor.css at head example:
- Create a div with class tj-cursor example:
- Create a script file and include it after 'tjFancyCursor.js'
- In script file call functions below to create buttons and effects
- initTJFloatingContainer(container class name, Link of the button, button color HTML CSS value); //Creating Fancy Hover Button
- mouseMoveEffect(container class name); //Adding floating effect to the button