I made some changes to the repo - now you can just clone it and follow below steps to do ocr -
Install tesseract from here https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/wiki
chang pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = '/app/.apt/usr/bin/tesseract' in the app.py file to tesseract installed location.
change your current directory to the repo using terminal, git bash or anaconda prompt
run pip install -r requirements.txt
run python app.py
run localhost in your web browser
drag and drop an image following the instructions and voila you'll get a text output
OCR is a technology that recognizes text within a digital image. It is commonly used to recognize text in scanned documents, but it serves many other purposes as well. OCR software processes a digital image by locating and recognizing characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols.
I acquired the data for this task from here - https://dataturks.com/projects/devika.mishra/Indian_Number_plates -
Images in this dataset looks like -
Steps - Instructions - Please make changes to the code input locations wherever required, for images mainly.
- Use Trained Model to generate text region with the help of the file generate_text_region.py from terminal you have to make changes to the location of input image. after doing this change run this code in your terminal - python generate_text_region.py
Output would look like - In you python file's directory look for licence0000.jpg
- Now Use this image to input in the check skew using this command in the terminal -
deskew input.png
if skew is present use deskew --output output.png input.png
after deskewing image would look like -
- Use below command to generate text as output from finale deskewed image -
python read_text.py
output would look like this -
You can convert this to text file as well using >'name.txt' in above python statement
For more information check out google colab notebook -