In order to use Vega you will need to clone the repo and publish to Maven Local. Then you can include Vega as a dependency from maven local into your project.
[user@computer ~]$ git clone
[user@computer ~]$ cd vega
[user@computer ~]$ chmod +x gradlew
[user@computer vega]$ ./gradlew :core:publishToMavenLocal
Be sure to define the local maven repository in your build.gradle.kts
in order for this to work.
repositories {
/* Vega */
/* Dear ImGui */
dependencies {
implementation("com.example", "vega","1.0-SNAPSHOT")
In order to create an application you have to inherit from LWJGLApplication
and create a new scene. Then run your application from the main function.
fun main() {
object Application : LWJGLApplication() {
var scene: Scene = MainScene()
init {
This game engine is still in pre-alpha and lacks a lot of features. It is still in development and probably has a lot of bugs. It's primarily used for our own game development.
So if you encounter any problems or you want to request a feature be sure to contact us.
Contributors names and contact info
Amin Bouzerda
- Initial Release
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.