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Cilium Cluster Mesh upgrade (ci-clustermesh) #3173

Cilium Cluster Mesh upgrade (ci-clustermesh)

Cilium Cluster Mesh upgrade (ci-clustermesh) #3173

name: Cilium Cluster Mesh upgrade (ci-clustermesh)
# Any change in triggers needs to be reflected in the concurrency group.
description: "Pull request number."
required: true
description: "Context in which the workflow runs. If PR is from a fork, will be the PR target branch (general case). If PR is NOT from a fork, will be the PR branch itself (this allows committers to test changes to workflows directly from PRs)."
required: true
description: "SHA under test (head of the PR branch)."
required: true
description: "[JSON object] Arbitrary arguments passed from the trigger comment via regex capture group. Parse with 'fromJson(inputs.extra-args).argName' in workflow."
required: false
default: '{}'
- v1.15
- ft/v1.15/**
- 'Documentation/**'
# By specifying the access of one of the scopes, all of those that are not
# specified are set to 'none'.
# To be able to access the repository with actions/checkout
contents: read
# To allow retrieving information from the PR API
pull-requests: read
# To be able to set commit status
statuses: write
# Structure:
# - Workflow name
# - Event type
# - A unique identifier depending on event type:
# - push: SHA
# - workflow_dispatch: PR number
# This structure ensures a unique concurrency group name is generated for each
# type of testing, such that re-runs will cancel the previous run.
group: |
${{ github.workflow }}
${{ github.event_name }}
(github.event_name == 'push' && github.sha) ||
(github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && github.event.inputs.PR-number)
cancel-in-progress: true
clusterName1: cluster1
clusterName2: cluster2
contextName1: kind-cluster1
contextName2: kind-cluster2
if: ${{ github.event_name != 'push' }}
name: Commit Status Start
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Set initial commit status
uses: myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action@3730c0a348a2ace3c110851bed53331bc6406e9f # v2.0.1
sha: ${{ inputs.SHA || github.sha }}
name: "Upgrade and Downgrade Test"
runs-on: ${{ vars.GH_RUNNER_EXTRA_POWER }}
timeout-minutes: 60
job_name: "Installation and Connectivity Test"
fail-fast: false
- name: '1'
encryption: 'disabled'
kube-proxy: 'iptables'
external-kvstore: false
- name: '2'
encryption: 'disabled'
kube-proxy: 'none'
external-kvstore: false
# Currently, ipsec requires to synchronously regenerate the host
# endpoint to ensure ordering (#25735). Given that this is a blocking
# operation, we cannot wait for full clustermesh synchronization
# for an extended period of time, as that would prevent the agents from
# becoming ready (and new pods scheduled). This means that we will
# experience cross-cluster connection drops during upgrades/downgrades,
# given that the timeout is too low to account for the initialization
# of a new clustermesh-apiserver replica (while it is enough to prevent
# issues in case of agent restarts, if all remote clusters are ready,
# as well as when connecting to an external kvstore as in this case).
- name: '3'
encryption: 'ipsec'
kube-proxy: 'iptables'
external-kvstore: true
- name: '4'
encryption: 'wireguard'
kube-proxy: 'iptables'
external-kvstore: false
- name: Checkout context ref (trusted)
uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
ref: ${{ inputs.context-ref || github.sha }}
persist-credentials: false
- name: Set Environment Variables
uses: ./.github/actions/set-env-variables
- name: Set up newest settings
id: newest-vars
uses: ./.github/actions/helm-default
image-tag: ${{ inputs.SHA }}
chart-dir: ./untrusted/cilium-newest/install/kubernetes/cilium
- name: Set up job variables
id: vars
run: |
CILIUM_DOWNGRADE_VERSION=$(contrib/scripts/ stable)
echo "downgrade_version=${CILIUM_DOWNGRADE_VERSION}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# * Monitor aggregation is set to medium to avoid the performance penalty
# in the testing environment due to the relatively high traffic load.
# * We explicitly configure the IPAM mode to prevent it from being
# reset to the default value on upgrade/downgrade due to --reset-values.
# * We explicitly configure the sync timeout to a higher value to
# give enough time to the clustermesh-apiserver to restart after
# the upgrade/downgrade before that agents regenerate the endpoints.
# * We configure the maximum number of unavailable agents to 1 to slow
# down the rollout process and highlight possible connection disruption
# occurring in the meanwhile.
--set=debug.enabled=true \
--set=bpf.monitorAggregation=medium \
--set=hubble.enabled=true \
--set=routingMode=tunnel \
--set=tunnelProtocol=vxlan \
--set=ipv4.enabled=true \
--set=ipv6.enabled=true \
--set=kubeProxyReplacement=${{ matrix.kube-proxy == 'none' }} \
--set=bpf.masquerade=${{ matrix.kube-proxy == 'none' }} \
--set=ipam.mode=kubernetes \
--set=operator.replicas=1 \
--set=updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable=1 \
--set=clustermesh.useAPIServer=${{ !matrix.external-kvstore }} \
--set=clustermesh.config.enabled=true \
# Run only a limited subset of tests to reduce the amount of time
# required. The full suite is run in conformance-clustermesh.
--hubble=false \
--flow-validation=disabled \
--test='no-interrupted-connections' \
--test='no-unexpected-packet-drops' \
--test='no-policies/' \
--test='no-policies-extra/' \
--test='allow-all-except-world/' \
--test='client-ingress/' \
--test='client-egress/' \
--test='cluster-entity-multi-cluster/' \
--test='!/pod-to-world' \
--test='!/pod-to-cidr' \
if [ "${{ matrix.encryption }}" != "disabled" ]; then
--set=encryption.enabled=true \
--set=encryption.type=${{ matrix.encryption }}"
echo "connectivity_test_defaults=${CONNECTIVITY_TEST_DEFAULTS}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Install Cilium CLI
uses: cilium/cilium-cli@a9579d1afc528b085930c5237a69ee77b2c2be76 # v0.16.4
repository: ${{ env.CILIUM_CLI_RELEASE_REPO }}
release-version: ${{ env.CILIUM_CLI_VERSION }}
ci-version: ${{ env.cilium_cli_ci_version }}
- name: Generate Kind configuration files
run: |
PODCIDR=,fd00:10:242::/48 \
SVCCIDR=,fd00:10:243::/112 \
KUBEPROXYMODE=${{ matrix.kube-proxy }} \
envsubst < ./.github/kind-config.yaml.tmpl > ./.github/kind-config-cluster1.yaml
PODCIDR=,fd00:10:244::/48 \
SVCCIDR=,fd00:10:245::/112 \
KUBEPROXYMODE=${{ matrix.kube-proxy }} \
envsubst < ./.github/kind-config.yaml.tmpl > ./.github/kind-config-cluster2.yaml
- name: Create Kind cluster 1
uses: helm/kind-action@99576bfa6ddf9a8e612d83b513da5a75875caced # v1.9.0
cluster_name: ${{ env.clusterName1 }}
version: ${{ env.KIND_VERSION }}
node_image: ${{ env.KIND_K8S_IMAGE }}
kubectl_version: ${{ env.KIND_K8S_VERSION }}
config: ./.github/kind-config-cluster1.yaml
wait: 0 # The control-plane never becomes ready, since no CNI is present
- name: Create Kind cluster 2
uses: helm/kind-action@99576bfa6ddf9a8e612d83b513da5a75875caced # v1.9.0
cluster_name: ${{ env.clusterName2 }}
version: ${{ env.KIND_VERSION }}
node_image: ${{ env.KIND_K8S_IMAGE }}
kubectl_version: ${{ env.KIND_K8S_VERSION }}
config: ./.github/kind-config-cluster2.yaml
wait: 0 # The control-plane never becomes ready, since no CNI is present
# Make sure that coredns uses IPv4-only upstream DNS servers also in case of clusters
# with IP family dual, since IPv6 ones are not reachable and cause spurious failures.
# Additionally, this is also required to workaround #23283.
- name: Configure the coredns nameservers
run: |
dnsPolicy: None
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} patch deployment -n kube-system coredns --patch="$COREDNS_PATCH"
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} patch deployment -n kube-system coredns --patch="$COREDNS_PATCH"
- name: Create the IPSec secret in both clusters
if: matrix.encryption == 'ipsec'
run: |
SECRET="3 rfc4106(gcm(aes)) $(openssl rand -hex 20) 128"
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} create -n kube-system secret generic cilium-ipsec-keys --from-literal=keys="${SECRET}"
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} create -n kube-system secret generic cilium-ipsec-keys --from-literal=keys="${SECRET}"
- name: Start kvstore clusters
id: kvstore
if: matrix.external-kvstore
uses: ./.github/actions/kvstore
clusters: 2
- name: Create the secret containing the kvstore credentials
if: matrix.external-kvstore
run: |
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} create -n kube-system -f ${{ steps.kvstore.outputs.cilium_etcd_secrets_path }}
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} create -n kube-system -f ${{ steps.kvstore.outputs.cilium_etcd_secrets_path }}
- name: Set clustermesh connection parameters
id: clustermesh-vars
run: |
# Let's retrieve in advance the parameters to mesh the two clusters, so
# that we don't need to do that through the CLI in a second step, as it
# would be reset during upgrade (as we are resetting the values).
# Explicitly configure the NodePorts to make sure that they are different
# in each cluster, to workaround #24692
--set${{ env.clusterName1 }} \
--set \
--set clustermesh.apiserver.service.nodePort=$PORT1 \
--set${{ env.clusterName2 }} \
--set \
--set clustermesh.apiserver.service.nodePort=$PORT2 \
--set clustermesh.config.clusters[0].name=${{ env.clusterName1 }} \
--set clustermesh.config.clusters[1].name=${{ env.clusterName2 }} \
if [ "${{ matrix.external-kvstore }}" == "true" ]; then
${{ steps.kvstore.outputs.cilium_install_clustermesh }}"
IP1=$(kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} get nodes \
${{ env.clusterName1 }}-worker -o wide --no-headers | awk '{ print $6 }')
IP2=$(kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} get nodes \
${{ env.clusterName2 }}-worker -o wide --no-headers | awk '{ print $6 }')
--set clustermesh.config.clusters[0].ips={$IP1} \
--set clustermesh.config.clusters[0].port=$PORT1 \
--set clustermesh.config.clusters[1].ips={$IP2} \
--set clustermesh.config.clusters[1].port=$PORT2 \
# Warning: since this is a privileged workflow, subsequent workflow job
# steps must take care not to execute untrusted code.
- name: Checkout pull request branch (NOT TRUSTED)
uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
ref: ${{ steps.newest-vars.outputs.sha }}
persist-credentials: false
path: untrusted/cilium-newest
sparse-checkout: |
- name: Checkout ${{ steps.vars.outputs.downgrade_version }} branch
uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
ref: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.downgrade_version }}
persist-credentials: false
path: untrusted/cilium-downgrade
sparse-checkout: |
- name: Set up downgrade settings
id: downgrade-vars
run: |
SHA="$(cd untrusted/cilium-downgrade && git rev-parse HEAD)"
--chart-directory=./untrusted/cilium-downgrade/install/kubernetes/cilium \${{ env.QUAY_ORGANIZATION_DEV }}/cilium-ci:${SHA} \${{ env.QUAY_ORGANIZATION_DEV }}/operator-generic-ci:${SHA} \${{ env.QUAY_ORGANIZATION_DEV }}/clustermesh-apiserver-ci:${SHA} \${{ env.QUAY_ORGANIZATION_DEV }}/kvstoremesh-ci:${SHA} \
echo "sha=${SHA}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "cilium_image_settings=${CILIUM_IMAGE_SETTINGS}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Wait for images to be available (newest)
timeout-minutes: 10
shell: bash
run: |
for image in cilium-ci operator-generic-ci clustermesh-apiserver-ci ; do
until docker manifest inspect${{ env.QUAY_ORGANIZATION_DEV }}/$image:${{ steps.newest-vars.outputs.sha }} &> /dev/null; do sleep 45s; done
- name: Wait for images to be available (downgrade)
timeout-minutes: 10
shell: bash
run: |
for image in cilium-ci operator-generic-ci clustermesh-apiserver-ci ; do
until docker manifest inspect${{ env.QUAY_ORGANIZATION_DEV }}/$image:${{ steps.downgrade-vars.outputs.sha }} &> /dev/null; do sleep 45s; done
- name: Install Cilium in cluster1
id: install-cilium-cluster1
run: |
# We enable the clustermesh-apiserver (although with zero replicas)
# also when actually connecting to an external kvstore. This is a
# workaround to enable creating the clustermesh configuration secret,
# that is otherwise skipped in Cilium v1.14 (and earlier).
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} install \
${{ steps.downgrade-vars.outputs.cilium_image_settings }} \
${{ steps.vars.outputs.cilium_install_defaults }} \
${{ steps.kvstore.outputs.cilium_install_kvstore }} \
${{ steps.clustermesh-vars.outputs.cilium_install_cluster1 }} \
--set=clustermesh.useAPIServer=true \
--set=clustermesh.apiserver.replicas=${{ matrix.external-kvstore && '0' || '1' }} \
- name: Copy the Cilium CA secret to cluster2, as they must match
if: ${{ !matrix.external-kvstore }}
run: |
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} get secret -n kube-system cilium-ca -o yaml |
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} create -f -
- name: Install Cilium in cluster2
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} install \
${{ steps.newest-vars.outputs.cilium_install_defaults }} \
${{ steps.vars.outputs.cilium_install_defaults }} \
${{ steps.kvstore.outputs.cilium_install_kvstore }} \
${{ steps.clustermesh-vars.outputs.cilium_install_cluster2 }}
- name: Wait for cluster mesh status to be ready
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} status --wait
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} status --wait
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} clustermesh status --wait --wait-duration=5m
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} clustermesh status --wait --wait-duration=5m
- name: Make JUnit report directory
run: |
mkdir -p cilium-junits
- name: Run connectivity test - pre-upgrade (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }})
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} connectivity test \
--multi-cluster=${{ env.contextName2 }} \
${{ steps.vars.outputs.connectivity_test_defaults }} \
--junit-file "cilium-junits/${{ env.job_name }} - pre-upgrade (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }}).xml" \
--junit-property github_job_step="Run tests pre-upgrade (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }})"
# Create pods which establish long lived connections. They will be used by
# subsequent connectivity tests with --include-conn-disrupt-test to catch any
# interruption in such flows.
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} connectivity test \
--multi-cluster=${{ env.contextName2 }} --hubble=false \
--include-conn-disrupt-test --conn-disrupt-test-setup \
--conn-disrupt-dispatch-interval 0ms
- name: Upgrade Cilium in cluster1 and enable kvstoremesh
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} upgrade --reset-values \
${{ steps.newest-vars.outputs.cilium_install_defaults }} \
${{ steps.vars.outputs.cilium_install_defaults }} \
${{ steps.kvstore.outputs.cilium_install_kvstore }} \
${{ steps.clustermesh-vars.outputs.cilium_install_cluster1 }} \
--set clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.enabled=true
- name: Rollout Cilium agents in cluster2
if: ${{ !matrix.external-kvstore }}
run: |
# This makes sure that the remote agents reconnect to the new instance of the
# clustermesh-apiserver, without waiting for the watchdog mechanism to kick in.
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} rollout restart -n kube-system ds/cilium
- name: Wait for cluster mesh status to be ready
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} status --wait
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} status --wait
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} clustermesh status --wait --wait-duration=5m
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} clustermesh status --wait --wait-duration=5m
- name: Gather additional troubleshooting information
run: |
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} get po -n cilium-test -o wide -l kind=test-conn-disrupt
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} get po -n cilium-test -o wide -l kind=test-conn-disrupt
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} logs -n cilium-test -l kind=test-conn-disrupt --prefix --timestamps
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} logs -n cilium-test -l kind=test-conn-disrupt --prefix --timestamps
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} logs -n cilium-test -l kind=test-conn-disrupt --prefix --previous --ignore-errors --timestamps
- name: Run connectivity test - post-upgrade (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }})
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} connectivity test \
--multi-cluster=${{ env.contextName2 }} \
${{ steps.vars.outputs.connectivity_test_defaults }} \
--include-conn-disrupt-test \
--junit-file "cilium-junits/${{ env.job_name }} - post upgrade (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }}).xml" \
--junit-property github_job_step="Run tests post-upgrade (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }})"
# Create pods which establish long lived connections. They will be used by
# subsequent connectivity tests with --include-conn-disrupt-test to catch any
# interruption in such flows.
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} connectivity test \
--multi-cluster=${{ env.contextName2 }} --hubble=false \
--include-conn-disrupt-test --conn-disrupt-test-setup \
--conn-disrupt-dispatch-interval 0ms
# Perform an additional "stress" test, scaling the clustermesh-apiservers in both clusters
# to zero replicas, and restarting all agents. Existing connections should not be disrupted.
# One exception to this is represented by Cilium being in charge of handling NodePort
# traffic, as the simultaneous restart of the clustermesh-apiserver pods in both clusters
# after rolling out all agents can lead to a circular dependency (#30156).
- name: Scale the clustermesh-apiserver replicas to 0
if: ${{ !matrix.external-kvstore }}
run: |
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} scale -n kube-system deploy/clustermesh-apiserver --replicas 0
if [ ${{ matrix.kube-proxy }} != "none" ]; then
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} scale -n kube-system deploy/clustermesh-apiserver --replicas 0
- name: Rollout Cilium agents in both clusters
run: |
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} rollout restart -n kube-system ds/cilium
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} rollout restart -n kube-system ds/cilium
# Wait until all agents successfully restarted before scaling the replicas again
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} rollout status -n kube-system ds/cilium --timeout=5m
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} rollout status -n kube-system ds/cilium --timeout=5m
- name: Scale the clustermesh-apiserver replicas back to 1
if: ${{ !matrix.external-kvstore }}
run: |
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} scale -n kube-system deploy/clustermesh-apiserver --replicas 1
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} scale -n kube-system deploy/clustermesh-apiserver --replicas 1
- name: Wait for cluster mesh status to be ready
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} status --wait
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} status --wait
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} clustermesh status --wait --wait-duration=5m
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} clustermesh status --wait --wait-duration=5m
- name: Gather additional troubleshooting information
run: |
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} get po -n cilium-test -o wide -l kind=test-conn-disrupt
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} get po -n cilium-test -o wide -l kind=test-conn-disrupt
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} logs -n cilium-test -l kind=test-conn-disrupt --prefix --timestamps
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} logs -n cilium-test -l kind=test-conn-disrupt --prefix --timestamps
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} logs -n cilium-test -l kind=test-conn-disrupt --prefix --previous --ignore-errors --timestamps
- name: Run connectivity test - stress-test (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }})
run: |
# Only check that no long living connection was disrupted
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} connectivity test \
--multi-cluster=${{ env.contextName2 }} \
--hubble=false \
--flow-validation=disabled \
--test='no-interrupted-connections' \
--test='no-unexpected-packet-drops' \
--include-conn-disrupt-test \
--junit-file "cilium-junits/${{ env.job_name }} - stress test (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }}).xml" \
--junit-property github_job_step="Run tests stess-test (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }})"
# Create pods which establish long lived connections. They will be used by
# subsequent connectivity tests with --include-conn-disrupt-test to catch any
# interruption in such flows.
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} connectivity test \
--multi-cluster=${{ env.contextName2 }} --hubble=false \
--include-conn-disrupt-test --conn-disrupt-test-setup \
--conn-disrupt-dispatch-interval 0ms
- name: Downgrade Cilium in cluster1 and disable kvstoremesh
run: |
# We enable the clustermesh-apiserver (although with zero replicas)
# also when actually connecting to an external kvstore. This is a
# workaround to enable creating the clustermesh configuration secret,
# that is otherwise skipped in Cilium v1.14 (and earlier).
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} upgrade --reset-values \
${{ steps.downgrade-vars.outputs.cilium_image_settings }} \
${{ steps.vars.outputs.cilium_install_defaults }} \
${{ steps.kvstore.outputs.cilium_install_kvstore }} \
${{ steps.clustermesh-vars.outputs.cilium_install_cluster1 }} \
--set=clustermesh.useAPIServer=true \
--set=clustermesh.apiserver.replicas=${{ matrix.external-kvstore && '0' || '1' }} \
- name: Rollout Cilium agents in cluster2
if: ${{ !matrix.external-kvstore }}
run: |
# This makes sure that the remote agents reconnect to the new instance of the
# clustermesh-apiserver, without waiting for the watchdog mechanism to kick in.
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} rollout restart -n kube-system ds/cilium
- name: Wait for cluster mesh status to be ready
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} status --wait
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} status --wait
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} clustermesh status --wait --wait-duration=5m
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} clustermesh status --wait --wait-duration=5m
- name: Gather additional troubleshooting information
run: |
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} get po -n cilium-test -o wide -l kind=test-conn-disrupt
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} get po -n cilium-test -o wide -l kind=test-conn-disrupt
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} logs -n cilium-test -l kind=test-conn-disrupt --prefix --timestamps
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} logs -n cilium-test -l kind=test-conn-disrupt --prefix --timestamps
kubectl --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} logs -n cilium-test -l kind=test-conn-disrupt --prefix --previous --ignore-errors --timestamps
- name: Run connectivity test - post-downgrade (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }})
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} connectivity test \
--multi-cluster=${{ env.contextName2 }} \
${{ steps.vars.outputs.connectivity_test_defaults }} \
--include-conn-disrupt-test \
--junit-file "cilium-junits/${{ env.job_name }} - post downgrade (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }}).xml" \
--junit-property github_job_step="Run tests post-downgrade (${{ join(matrix.*, ', ') }})"
- name: Post-test information gathering
if: ${{ !success() && steps.install-cilium-cluster1.outcome != 'skipped' }}
run: |
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} status
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName1 }} clustermesh status
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} status
cilium --context ${{ env.contextName2 }} clustermesh status
kubectl config use-context ${{ env.contextName1 }}
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
cilium sysdump --output-filename cilium-sysdump-context1-final-${{ join(matrix.*, '-') }}
kubectl config use-context ${{ env.contextName2 }}
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
cilium sysdump --output-filename cilium-sysdump-context2-final-${{ join(matrix.*, '-') }}
if [ "${{ matrix.external-kvstore }}" == "true" ]; then
for i in {1..2}; do
echo "# Retrieving logs from kvstore$i docker container"
docker logs kvstore$i
shell: bash {0} # Disable default fail-fast behaviour so that all commands run independently
- name: Upload artifacts
if: ${{ !success() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@1746f4ab65b179e0ea60a494b83293b640dd5bba # v4.3.2
name: cilium-sysdumps-${{ }}
path: cilium-sysdump-*.zip
- name: Upload JUnits [junit]
if: ${{ always() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@1746f4ab65b179e0ea60a494b83293b640dd5bba # v4.3.2
name: cilium-junits-${{ }}
path: cilium-junits/*.xml
- name: Publish Test Results As GitHub Summary
if: ${{ always() }}
uses: aanm/junit2md@332ebf0fddd34e91b03a832cfafaa826306558f9 # v0.0.3
junit-directory: "cilium-junits"
if: ${{ always() }}
name: Merge and Upload Artifacts
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: upgrade-and-downgrade
- name: Merge Sysdumps
if: ${{ needs.upgrade-and-downgrade.result == 'failure' }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact/merge@1746f4ab65b179e0ea60a494b83293b640dd5bba # v4.3.2
name: cilium-sysdumps
pattern: cilium-sysdumps-*
retention-days: 5
delete-merged: true
continue-on-error: true
- name: Merge JUnits
uses: actions/upload-artifact/merge@1746f4ab65b179e0ea60a494b83293b640dd5bba # v4.3.2
name: cilium-junits
pattern: cilium-junits-*
retention-days: 5
delete-merged: true
if: ${{ always() && github.event_name != 'push' }}
name: Commit Status Final
needs: upgrade-and-downgrade
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Set final commit status
uses: myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action@3730c0a348a2ace3c110851bed53331bc6406e9f # v2.0.1
sha: ${{ inputs.SHA || github.sha }}
status: ${{ needs.upgrade-and-downgrade.result }}