Unravel is a common platform for every software developer who keep searching on the internet for topics and code but ends up winding with almost nothing. Unravel provides a common platform wherein the user is able to find videos related to specific topics of Computer Science domain along with their given practical applications in real life in form of code. So the given software gives the advantage of easy topic searching in form of videos and code in one single place and thus reducing the wasting of time that users go through while searching for materials.
- Categorical Ordering of Videos(Topic wise.
- Categories given in form of playlists.
- Current trend of Videos and Projects.
- Code of Projets can be Viewed.
- Links to projects on Github for extensive analysis.
Clone the Repository using below command
git clone https://github.com/alokyadav777/unravel.git
after cloning go to project directory and the run server using below command
python3 manage.py runserver
we provide the top viwed videos of youtube in category wise like java,python etc. where user can watch and also discuss the question in comment section.
This webpage gives the searched project details from GITHUB with all details ,also giving the fascility of sorting by number of forks,number of stars.