Script ini gratis untuk semua orang, bukan untuk Dijual. Jika dijual neraka menunggumu Brother!!
Warning: Jangan Lupa Ganti Owner ada di Config.js
- ✔️ | Simple
- ✔️ | Button Template
- ✔️ | Multi Device
- ✔️ | Button Document(Experiment)
- ✔️ | Downloader
- ✔️ | Internet
- ✔️ | Game Rpg
- ✔️ | Nsfw
- ✔️ | Sticker
- ✔️ | Game
- ✔️ | Kerang Ajaib
- ✔️ | Quotes
- ✔️ | Anime
- ✔️ | Premium
- ✔️ | Tools
- ✔️ | Exec
- ✔️ | React
- ✔️ | Menfess Balas
- Activate self mode (Ignores other)
- If that chat not from private bot, bot will ignore
- If that chat not from group, bot will ignore
- If that chat not from status, bot will ignore
are seperated by each character Set prefix
- Used for heroku or scan through website
- Enables restricted plugins (which can lead your number to be banned if used too often)
- Group Administration
add, kick
- Enable image inspector through terminal
- If enabled, all incoming messages will be marked as read
- No bot, just print received messages and add users to database
- Development Testing Mode
- Not For Sale
- Don't forget give star this repo
- Follow Github
- Don't use this repository wrong!
- If you have problem chat me in owner number