Last updated: 7/29/2024 1:57 PM PDT
Version 1.0.0
this is my first actual gorilla tag mod. yes, I know, it's stupid.
✔: Yes ✖: No ▧: Untested
- Does it enable/disable properly upon using ComputerInterface or any related mod-toggling mods? ▧
- Does it interfere with multiplayer gameplay? ✖
- Does it interfere with Photon networking? ✖
yes I have gotten permission from the original user who wrote the message "everyone ignored my message" (which the mod was inspired by). this mod is not intended to be any form of hate upon the original user. the main idea of this mod is to act as part of a larger joke. what's happened is that "everyone ignored my message" was originally posted in the "mod-ideas" channel on the Gorilla Tag Modding Group discord server, and so I got the idea to make a mod where it displays that message, just simply as a joke due to the fact that "everyone ignored my message" was posted in the "mod-ideas" channel where, obviously, ideas for mods are made. below is proof that permission has been granted.