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Releases: Zhuinden/simple-stack

Simple Stack 1.11.0

01 Jul 20:31
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Simple Stack 1.11.0 (2018-07-01)

  • ADDED: Ability to share data across screens via scoped services.

To use, the key must implement ScopeKey and define its scope's tag. If ScopeKey is used, then a ScopedServices must be provided.

Currently, a scope can be shared across keys, but there is no scope inheritance, and there is no way to have multiple scopes for a given key.

To use, one must set an implementation of ScopedServices on either BackstackDelegate, Navigator.Installer, or BackstackManager.

Services that are Bundleable and registered in a given scope receive callbacks to toBundle() and fromBundle() to persist/restore their state.

Services registered in a given scope receive onEnterScope() and onExitScope() callbacks if they implement ScopedServices.Scoped.

Tip: A possible way to simplify the usage of service tags is to define an inline reified extension function for ServiceBinder to default to using

Simple Stack 1.9.3

27 Jun 23:19
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Simple Stack 1.9.3 (2018-06-28)

  • ADDED: Ability to change duration, interpolation and start delay of AnimatorViewChangeHandler

  • ADDED: jumpToRoot(direction).

Simple Stack 1.9.2

31 May 23:01
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Simple Stack 1.9.2 (2018-06-01)

  • CHANGE: DefaultStateChanger applies FADE by default for StateChange.REPLACE direction, instead of no-op.

Simple Stack 1.9.1

19 May 23:50
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Simple-Stack 1.9.1 (2018-05-20)

  • Fix: History.single() should return History<T>, not List<T>.

  • ADDED: jumpToRoot() and moveToTop() convenience operators to Backstack.

  • ADDED: goUp(Object, boolean fallbackToBack) and goUpChain(List<?>, boolean fallbackToBack) to allow opt-in for the newly provided navigation principle: "Up and Back are equivalent within your app's task". To retain previous behavior without breaking changes, this is opt-in with a boolean flag. Default behavior does NOT fall back to back, but clears top to the parent instead.

Up and Back are equivalent within your app's task

When the system Back button would not exit your app, such as when you are on your own task and not on the start destination, the Up button should function identically to the system Back button.

Simple Stack 1.9.0

04 Mar 11:26
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Simple Stack 1.9.0 (2018-03-04)

  • DEPRECATED: HistoryBuilder's factory methods are moved from HistoryBuilder to the newly added History class.

HistoryBuilder.from(T... objects) -> History.builderOf(T... objects)

HistoryBuilder.from(...) -> History.builderFrom(...)

HistoryBuilder.single() -> History.single()

HistoryBuilder.newBuilder() -> History.newBuilder()

Also adds History.of(T... objects) instead of HistoryBuilder.of(...).build().

  • ADDED: History class, an immutable list with additional operations over List<T> - as some methods' return type.

I also changed some return types (in history building) from List<Object> to <T> List<T>,
this resulted in having to change some List<Object>s to List<?> on the receiving side if used in assignment.

So if you run into that, just change List<Object> to List<?> and it should work.

  • ADDED: Long-overdue empty constructor for BackstackDelegate and backstack.setStateChanger(StateChanger).

  • UPDATE: Kotlin sample replaces PaperParcel with @Parcelize.

Simple Stack 1.8.2

20 Jan 04:07
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Simple Stack 1.8.2 (2018-01-20)

  • CRITICAL FIX: 1.8.1 (2018-01-17) didn't retrieve state-bundle 1.2.0 as transitive dependency because of com.github.dcendents:android-maven-gradle-plugin:1.5. It is updated to 2.0 to fix publishing to Jitpack.

  • ADDED / CHANGE: Navigator.findActivity(Context) is now public. It also casts the returned Activity to whatever subclass type is expected.

  • ADDED: Backstack.fromTop(int offset) method, which provides the element in the backstack from the top with a given offset.

  • UPDATE: Updated State-Bundle to 1.2.0.

  • INTERNAL: Updated to use implementation/api and AS 3.0's tooling.

  • INTERNAL: Updated implementation lib versions in samples and tests.

  • SAMPLE: Updated Kotlin example to use Fragment-based usage.

Simple Stack 1.8.0

25 Oct 15:34
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Simple Stack 1.8.0 (2017-10-25)

  • BREAKING(?) CHANGE / FIX: when goBack() returns false, then the backstack is not cleared automatically. Added reset() to allow imitating the previous behavior.

Previous behavior would now be the same as:

if(!backstack.goBack() && !backstack.isStateChangePending()) {

Honestly, this might have been unexpected, as goBack() returning false had the side-effect of clearing the stack, and next state change using the initial key!

The test that checks for this has been changed to use the above construct. Another test of course has been added to validate new behavior.

Also, to eliminate the possibility of reset() misuse, it is only allowed when there are no pending state changes.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: getInitialParameters() is renamed to getInitialKeys().

  • FIX: getInitialParameters() returned the actual list instead of an unmodifiable copy, it returns the keys provided at initialization.

  • ADDED: replaceTop() backstack operator, which replaces current top with the provided key.

  • ADDED: goUp() backstack operator, which will go back to the provided key if exists, replace top with new key otherwise.

  • ADDED: goUpChain() backstack operator, which will:

    • If the chain of parents is found as previous elements, then it works as back navigation to that chain.
    • If the whole chain is not found, but at least one element of it is found, then the history is kept up to that point, then the chain is added, any duplicate element in the chain is added to the end as part of the chain.
    • If none of the chain is found, the current top is removed, and the provided parent chain is added.

    I added a bunch of tests for this, hopefully I didn't forget anything!

  • ENHANCEMENT/FIX: HistoryBuilder.get() is now @NonNull, because HistoryBuilder.from(List<?>) throws if List contains null.

  • ENHANCEMENT: getHistory() and getInitialParameters() also returns a List<T> in which each element is cast to T.

  • FIX: BackstackDelegate.setStateChanger() should have been allowed even without calling backstackDelegate.onCreate() first. All the samples use new BackstackDelegate(null) so it never came up.

  • ENHANCEMENT: Some improvement to persistViewToState() exception message if the view has no key (so that it references KeyContextWrapper and stateChange.createContext()).

Simple Stack 1.7.2

08 Aug 16:29
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Simple Stack 1.7.2 (2017-07-24)


StateChange.getNewState() and StateChange.getPreviousState() return a copy of the list (it was already a copy, don't worry), where each item is casted to <T> specified as generic parameter.

For example, the following can be changed from:

for(Object _newKey : stateChange.getNewState()) {
    Key newKey = (Key)_newKey;
    // ...


for(Key newKey : stateChange.<Key>getNewState()) {
   // ...

And the following works now as well:

List<Key> newKeys = stateChange.getNewState(); // used to return List<Object>
  • ADDED: MVVM sample.

  • ADDED: Shared Element Transition Fragments sample.

Simple Stack 1.7.1

21 Jul 22:10
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Simple Stack 1.7.1 (2017-07-11)

  • ADDED: BackstackDelegate.registerForLifecycleCallbacks(Activity) convenience method (API 14+).

This method allows you to call this after BackstackDelegate.onCreate(), after which the following 4 methods no longer need to be called manually:

    • onPostResume()
    • onPause()
    • onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)
    • onDestroy()

Therefore the callbacks that ought to be called remain as onCreate(), onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance(), and of course onBackPressed().

Simple Stack 1.7.0

04 Jul 14:50
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Simple-Stack 1.7.0 (2017-07-04)

  • REMOVED: BackstackManager.StateChangeCompletionListener. It is replaced by Backstack.CompletionListener, which was added back in 0.9.1 (and is more reliable).

This also fixes a possible bug with incorrect call order of state change completion listeners.

The API is otherwise exactly the same, StateChangeCompletionListener should have been Backstack.CompletionListener from the start.

  • ADDED: backstackDelegate.getManager(), just to make sure its API mirrors Navigator.