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Releases: Zhuinden/simple-stack

Simple Stack 1.13.0

10 Sep 01:16
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Simple-Stack 1.13.0 (2018-09-10)

  • ADDED: Adds ScopeKey.Child interface, which allows the definition of explicit parent hierarchy of a given scope.

Even by default, there is an implicit hierarchy between screens: it is possible to look up services defined by previous keys.

However, there are times when we must define scopes that are supersets of multiple screens. In this case, we know we are on a given screen, within a given state, and we require a superscope to exist that is shared across multiple screens.

In this case, the key can define an explicit parent hierarchy of scopes. These scopes are created before the key's own scope (assuming the key is also a ScopeKey).

The parent scopes are only destroyed after all their children are destroyed.

lookupService() prefers explicit parents, however will also continue to seek the service across implicit parents, and their explicit parent chain as well.

Simple Stack 1.12.3

02 Sep 20:07
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Simple Stack 1.12.3 (2018-09-02)

  • CHANGE: When lookupService cannot find the service, the exception message is improved (and tells you what could be wrong in your configuration).

  • UPDATE: mvp-view, mvp-fragments and mvvm-fragments samples now use ScopedServices (and Bundleable) to retain presenters/viewmodels across config changes and have their states persisted/restored across process death.

Simple Stack 1.12.2

29 Aug 13:21
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Simple Stack 1.12.2 (2018-08-29)

  • CHANGE: AnimatorViewChangeHandler has an overridable method called resetPreviousViewValues(), which receives the previous view after animation is complete.

  • CHANGE: FadeViewChangeHandler and SegueViewChangeHandler now reset alpha = 1f and translationX = 0f respectively, after animation is complete and the view is removed.

Simple Stack 1.12.1

27 Aug 23:30
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Simple-Stack 1.12.1 (2018-08-28)

  • ADDED: ScopedServices.Activated. Implementing Activated for a scoped service makes the service receive a callback when the scope it is bound to becomes the top-most scope, and when it stops being the top-most scope.

There are strict ordering guarantees that onEnterScope, onScopeActive, onScopeInactive, onExitScope are called in this order.

onScopeInactive is called in reverse order (just like onExitScope).

When navigating from one scope to another scope, the new scope becomes active before the previous scope becomes inactive.

Simple-Stack 1.12.0

23 Aug 19:01
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Simple-Stack 1.12.0 (2018-08-23)

  • CHANGE: and backstack.root() now throw exception (just like fromTop()) if the method is called before a StateChanger is set (and the backstack becomes initialized). This makes using root()/top() nicer in Kotlin.

  • FIX: During a second "initialize" state change (which happens when calling setStateChanger()), accessing the Backstack's getHistory(), top() and root() inside the StateChanger could return incorrect value.

  • UPDATE: MVP samples are now written in Kotlin. MVVM sample now has a better SQLite-based non-Room reactive wrapper (for people trying out SQLite without Room). Some samples were renamed.

Simple Stack 1.11.7

18 Aug 22:01
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Simple-Stack 1.11.7 (2018-08-18)

  • ADDED: ServiceBinder.getBackstack() method. This allows scoped services to be given the backstack as constructor argument.

Simple Stack 1.11.6

14 Aug 15:26
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Simple-Stack 1.11.6 (2018-08-14)

  • ADDED: Navigator.hasScope(scopeTag), BackstackDelegate.hasScope(scopeTag), BackstackManager.hasScope(scopeTag).

  • ADDED: Navigator.canFindService(Context, serviceTag), BackstackDelegate.canFindService(serviceTag), BackstackManager.canFindService(serviceTag) to check if lookup can find the service.

  • ADDED: ServiceBinder.lookup() and ServiceBinder.canFind() to inherit from currently existing scopes while creating service binding.

  • CHANGE: onExitScope(scopeTag) is now ensured to happen in reverse order compared to onEnterScope(scopeTag) (both in terms of scope creation order and service binding order).

Simple-Stack 1.11.4

10 Aug 12:03
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Simple-Stack 1.11.4 (2018-08-10)

  • ADDED: Navigator.isNavigatorAvailable(Activity) to ensure the ability to check if the BackstackHost is added to the Activity.

  • ADDED: BackstackManager.lookupService(serviceTag), BackstackDelegate.lookupService(serviceTag), and Navigator.lookupService(Context, serviceTag), which attempts to look up the service in all currently existing scopes (starting from the newest added scope).

Simple-Stack 1.11.2

26 Jul 19:45
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Simple Stack 1.11.2 (2018-07-26)

  • UPDATE: state-bundle is updated to 1.2.1.

  • CHANGE: Allow calling BackstackDelegate.setScopedServices(activity, scopedServices) once after an onDestroy() callback (to allow setting back the Activity).

  • CHANGE: Allow calling BackstackDelegate.setScopedServices(null, scopedServices). In this case, onDestroy() will finalize scopes - normally it only does that if Activity is finalizing.

Simple Stack 1.11.1

14 Jul 00:10
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Simple-Stack 1.11.1 (2018-07-14)

  • API CHANGE: backstackDelegate.setScopedServices(ScopedServices) is now backstackDelegate.setScopedServices(Activity, ScopedServices).

  • FIX: If enclosing Activity is destroyed (onDestroy) and Activity.isFinishing(), then the existing scopes are destroyed along with it so that Scoped.onExitScope() is called properly, and resources are cleaned up as expected across closing the app and restarting it quickly.

  • MINOR FIX: Added ScopedServices javadoc and missing@NonNull on ServiceBinder.

  • DEPRECATED: reset() method. Renamed to forceClear(). You probably don't need it, but that wasn't clear enough.