Network | mAPval 0.5 | mAPval 0.5:0.95 | Resolution | Run Time(4xCore) | Run Time(1xCore) | Params(M) |
yolov5s | 56.8% | 37.4% | 640X640 | 395.31ms | 1139.16ms | 7.2M |
yolov6n | - | 30.8% | 416X416 | 109.24ms | 445.44ms | 4.3M |
yolox-nano | - | 25.8% | 416X416 | 76.31ms | 191.16ms | 0.91M |
nanodet_m | - | 20.6% | 320X320 | 49.24ms | 160.35ms | 0.95M |
yolo-fastestv1.1 | 24.40% | - | 320X320 | 26.60ms | 75.74ms | 0.35M |
yolo-fastestv2 | 24.10% | - | 352X352 | 23.8ms | 68.9ms | 0.25M |
FastestDet | 25.3% | 13.0% | 352X352 | 23.51ms | 70.62ms | 0.24M |
- Test platform Radxa Rock3A RK3568 ARM Cortex-A55 CPU,Based on NCNN
- CPU lock frequency 2.0GHz
- Anchor-Free
- Single scale detector head
- Cross grid multiple candidate targets
- Dynamic positive and negative sample allocation
Equipment | Computing backend | System | Framework | Run time(Single core) | Run time(Multi core) |
Radxa rock3a | RK3568(arm-cpu) | Linux(aarch64) | ncnn | 70.62ms | 23.51ms |
Radxa rock3a | RK3568(NPU) | Linux(aarch64) | rknn | 28ms | - |
Qualcomm | Snapdragon 835(arm-cpu) | Android(aarch64) | ncnn | 32.34ms | 16.24ms |
Intel | i7-8700(X86-cpu) | Linux(amd64) | ncnn | 4.51ms | 4.33ms |
- PiP(Note pytorch CUDA version selection)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Picture test
python3 --yaml configs/coco.yaml --weight weights/weight_AP05:0.253207_280-epoch.pth --img data/3.jpg
The format of the data set is the same as that of Darknet Yolo, Each image corresponds to a .txt label file. The label format is also based on Darknet Yolo's data set label format: "category cx cy wh", where category is the category subscript, cx, cy are the coordinates of the center point of the normalized label box, and w, h are the normalized label box The width and height, .txt label file content example as follows:
11 0.344192634561 0.611 0.416430594901 0.262 14 0.509915014164 0.51 0.974504249292 0.972
The image and its corresponding label file have the same name and are stored in the same directory. The data file structure is as follows:
. ├── train │ ├── 000001.jpg │ ├── 000001.txt │ ├── 000002.jpg │ ├── 000002.txt │ ├── 000003.jpg │ └── 000003.txt └── val ├── 000043.jpg ├── 000043.txt ├── 000057.jpg ├── 000057.txt ├── 000070.jpg └── 000070.txt
Generate a dataset path .txt file, the example content is as follows:
./train/000001.jpg ./train/000002.jpg ./train/000003.jpg
./val/000070.jpg ./val/000043.jpg ./val/000057.jpg
Generate the .names category label file, the sample content is as follows:
person bicycle car motorbike ...
The directory structure of the finally constructed training data set is as follows:
. ├── category.names # .names category label file ├── train # train dataset │ ├── 000001.jpg │ ├── 000001.txt │ ├── 000002.jpg │ ├── 000002.txt │ ├── 000003.jpg │ └── 000003.txt ├── train.txt # train dataset path .txt file ├── val # val dataset │ ├── 000043.jpg │ ├── 000043.txt │ ├── 000057.jpg │ ├── 000057.txt │ ├── 000070.jpg │ └── 000070.txt └── val.txt # val dataset path .txt file