implementation 'io.github.yukimatsumura:koma:0.2'
"koma" is an Android library that visualizes the UI rendering performance of your app. It can also output a special log if the UI rendering performance is worse than you expect.
UI rendering performance is measured using the FrameMetrics class. Therefore, this library will be automatically disabled in Android SDKs below 24.
Performance measurements are logged, along with information such as slow rendering (jank) and screen freezes.
Frame metrics │ count │ ratio │ max │ min │ sum │ avg │ median │ mode
Total │ 7 F │ 100.0 % │ 601 ms │ 2 ms │ 758 ms │ 108.3 ms │ 17.0 ms │ 13 ms
Jank │ 3 F │ 17.0 % │ 92 ms │ 17 ms │ 129 ms │ 43.0 ms │ 20.0 ms │ 17, 20, 92 ms
Frozen │ 1 F │ 79.3 % │ 601 ms │ 601 ms │ 601 ms │ 601.0 ms │ 601.0 ms │ 601 ms
Validation name │ result │ value │ threshold
test validation │ NG │ 1.0 │ 1.0
Misc. │ value
Frame rate │ 60 fps
Frozen frame duration threshold │ 600 ms
Jank frame duration threshold │ 16 ms
Log format can be customized.
frameMetricsListener = { id, config, aggregate, validate ->
Log.d("koma", "$id total=${}")
Here's how to start UI rendering performance measurement
val process = Koma.newProcess()
val id = FrameMetricsId.Custom("koma id")
process.start(id = id, activity = activity)
If you send Broadcast Intent with ADB command while the app is in front, you can measure it without adding any code.
enableCommandReceiver = true,
// adb shell am broadcast -a <YOUR_APP_PACKAGE_NAME>.START
// adb shell am broadcast -a <YOUR_APP_PACKAGE_NAME>.STOP
// e.g. adb shell am broadcast -a
You can also automatically measure the performance of all Activities and Fragments. Exclude those that do not need to be measured.
enableUiComponentMetrics = true,
activityFrameMetricsFilter = ActivityFrameMetricsFilter { activity -> ... },
fragmentFrameMetricsFilter = FragmentFrameMetricsFilter { false },
Use ValidateFunction
to validate the UI rendering performance.
You can determine that the performance does not meet your expectations.
validateFunction = {
val avg = ?: 0.0
id =,
isPassed = avg <= THRESHOLD,
frameMetricsListener = { id, config, aggregate, validate ->
if (!validate.isAllPassed()) Log.d("koma", ";(")
By default, PercentileValidation
is specified, which means that the 90th percentile of the rendering time should be within 32ms.
You can change it to match the level you expect from your app.
validateFunction = PercentileValidation(85.0, 16),
You can specify the configuration of the measurement with KomaConfig
defaultConfig = KomaConfig(
frameRate = 120, // set for 120fps devices
analyzeMode = true, // display more detailed measurement results
frozenFrameDurationThreshold = 600, // Specify the number of milliseconds to consider the screen frozen