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Database abstraction library written in C.

Simple and easy to use database access library. Works with SQLite 3, MariaDB/Mysql and PostgreSQL databases. Uses a JSON-based language with jansson to execute simples queries based on one table.




Install Jansson library for JSON manipulation, minimum version 2.4. On a debian-based platform, run the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install libjansson-dev

Database libraries

Install Hoel database dependencies based on your requirements:

  • SQLite3: Install the package libsqlite3-dev
  • MariaDB/Mysql: Install the package libmysqlclient-dev or libmariadbclient-dev
  • PostgreSQL: Install the package libpq-dev

Debian-ish distribution package

Packaging status

Hoel is now available in Debian Buster (testing) and some Debian based distributions. To install the development package on your system, run the command as root:

# apt install libhoel-dev

Pre-compiled packages

You can install Hoel with a pre-compiled package available in the release pages. jansson, sqlite3, libmariadb-client and libpq development files packages are required to install Hoel. The packages files hoel-dev-full_* contain the libraries orcania, yder and hoel. It's also compiled with all the database backends.

For example, to install Hoel with the hoel-dev-full_2.3.0_Debian_stretch_x86_64.tar.gz package downloaded on the releases page, you must execute the following commands:

$ sudo apt install -y libjansson-dev libmariadbclient-dev libsqlite3-dev libpq-dev
$ wget
$ tar xf hoel-dev-full_1.4.0_Debian_stretch_x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo dpkg -i liborcania-dev_1.2.0_Debian_stretch_x86_64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i libyder-dev_1.2.0_Debian_stretch_x86_64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i libhoel-dev_1.4.0_Debian_stretch_x86_64.deb

If there's no package available for your distribution, you can recompile it manually using CMake or Makefile.

Install from the source

CMake - Multi architecture

CMake minimum 3.5 is required.

Run the cmake script in a subdirectory, example:

$ git clone
$ cd hoel/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make && sudo make install

The available options for cmake are:

  • -DWITH_SQLITE3=[on|off] (default on): Enable/disabe SQLite3 database backend
  • -DWITH_MARIADB=[on|off] (default on): Enable/disabe MariaDB/Mysql database backend
  • -DWITH_PGSQL=[on|off] (default on): Enable/disabe PostgreSQL database backend
  • -DBUILD_STATIC=[on|off] (default off): Build the static archive in addition to the shared library
  • -DBUILD_TESTING=[on|off] (default off): Build unit tests
  • -DINSTALL_HEADER=[on|off] (default on): Install header file hoel.h
  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release] (default Release): Compile with debugging symbols or not

Good ol' Makefile

Clone, compile and install Orcania and Yder libraries.

Orcania (Miscellaneous functions)

$ git clone
$ cd orcania/src
$ make && sudo make install

Yder (simple logs library)

$ git clone
$ cd yder/src
$ make
$ sudo make install


Download hoel from github repository.

$ git clone
$ cd hoel/src
$ make
$ sudo make install

By default, Hoel is compiled with the 3 databases support. If you don't need one or more database, follow these instructions

SQLite 3

Add DISABLE_SQLITE=1 to the make command:

$ cd hoel/src
$ sudo make install


Add DISABLE_MARIADB=1 to the make command:

$ cd hoel/src
$ sudo make install

Postgre SQL

Add DISABLE_POSTGRESQL=1 to the make command:

$ cd hoel/src
$ sudo make install

Disable 2 backends

You can disable 2 databases backends to keep just one, simply add both parameters to the make command:

$ cd hoel/src
$ sudo make install

Installation folder

By default, the shared library and the header file will be installed in the /usr/local location. To change this setting, you can modify the DESTDIR value in the src/Makefile.

API Documentation

Header files and compilation

To use hoel in your code, you must use the #define corresponding to the backend you use before including the file hoel.h. For example:

#define _HOEL_SQLITE
#include <hoel.h>

If you want to use different backends in your source code, just add its #define before including hoel.h.

#define _HOEL_SQLITE
#define _HOEL_PGSQL
#include <hoel.h>

Use the flag -lhoel to include hoel library in the linking process.

Return values

When specified, some functions return H_OK on success, and other values otherwise. H_OK is 0, other values are non-0 values. The defined errors list is the following:

#define H_OK                0  // No error
#define H_ERROR             1  // Generic error
#define H_ERROR_PARAMS      2  // Error in input parameters
#define H_ERROR_CONNECTION  3  // Error in database connection
#define H_ERROR_DISABLED    4  // Database connection is disabled
#define H_ERROR_QUERY       5  // Error executing query
#define H_ERROR_MEMORY      99 // Error allocating memory

Memory allocation

Some function return allocated values. When the value is not a structure, you must use the function h_free to clean it. Otherwise, use the dedicated functions.

 * free data allocated by hoel functions
void h_free(void * data);


To create a connection to a database, use its dedicated function

 * h_connect_sqlite
 * Opens a database connection to a sqlite3 db file
 * return pointer to a struct _h_connection * on sucess, NULL on error
struct _h_connection * h_connect_sqlite(const char * db_path);

 * h_connect_mariadb
 * Opens a database connection to a mariadb server
 * return pointer to a struct _h_connection * on success, NULL on error
struct _h_connection * h_connect_mariadb(const char * host, const char * user, const char * passwd, const char * db, const unsigned int port, const char * unix_socket);

 * h_connect_pgsql
 * Opens a database connection to a PostgreSQL server
 * return pointer to a struct _h_connection * on sucess, NULL on error
struct _h_connection * h_connect_pgsql(char * conninfo);

All these functions return a struct _h_connection * on success. This pointer will be needed on every call to hoel functions.

When you no longer need your connection, close it using the function h_close_db. This will close the connection to the database and free the memory allocated by the connection.

 * Close a database connection
 * return H_OK on success
int h_close_db(struct _h_connection * conn);

The connection must be cleaned when it's no longer needed.

 * h_clean_connection
 * free memory allocated by the struct _h_connection
 * return H_OK on success
int h_clean_connection(struct _h_connection * conn);

Escape string

If you need to escape parameters, you can use the function h_escape_string, the returned value must be h_free'd after use.

 * h_escape_string
 * Escapes a string
 * returned value must be h_free'd after use
char * h_escape_string(const struct _h_connection * conn, const char * unsafe);

Execute a SQL query

To execute a SQL query, you can use the function h_execute_query which will run the query in the database specified by the parameter conn. If a result parameter is specified, the result of the query (if any) will be stored in the result structure.

 * h_execute_query
 * Execute a query, set the result structure with the returned values if available
 * if result is NULL, the query is executed but no value will be returned
 * options available
 * H_OPTION_NONE (0): no option
 * H_OPTION_SELECT: Execute a prepare statement (sqlite only)
 * H_OPTION_EXEC: Execute an exec statement (sqlite only)
 * return H_OK on success
int h_execute_query(const struct _h_connection * conn, const char * query, struct _h_result * result, int options);

Result structure

The struct _h_result is a structure containing the values returned by a query. The definition of the structure is:

 * sql result structure
struct _h_result {
  unsigned int nb_rows;
  unsigned int nb_columns;
  struct _h_data ** data;

The data value is a 2 dimensional array with struct _h_data variables. A struct _h_data is defined as:

 * sql data container
struct _h_data {
  int type;
  void * t_data;

where type can be the following values:

#define HOEL_COL_TYPE_INT    0
#define HOEL_COL_TYPE_TEXT   2
#define HOEL_COL_TYPE_DATE   3
#define HOEL_COL_TYPE_BLOB   4
#define HOEL_COL_TYPE_NULL   5

t_data will point to a struct _h_type_* corresponding to the type. The struct _h_type_* available are:

 * sql value integer type
struct _h_type_int {
  int value;

 * sql value double type
struct _h_type_double {
  double value;

 * sql value date/time type
struct _h_type_datetime {
  struct tm value;

 * sql value string type
struct _h_type_text {
  char * value;

 * sql value blob type
struct _h_type_blob {
  size_t length;
  void * value;

Clean results or data

To clean a result or a data structure, you can use its dedicated functions:

 * h_clean_result
 * Free all the memory allocated by the struct _h_result
 * return H_OK on success
int h_clean_result(struct _h_result * result);

 * h_clean_data
 * Free memory allocated by the struct _h_data
 * return H_OK on success
int h_clean_data(struct _h_data * data);

Get last id inserted

If you need the last id generated after an insert query, you can use the following function:

 * h_query_last_insert_id
 * return the id of the last inserted value
 * return a pointer to `struct _h_data *` on success, NULL otherwise.
struct _h_data * h_query_last_insert_id(const struct _h_connection * conn);

Additional query functions

You can use additional functions for specific needs. All these function will use h_execute_query but check input parameters before.

 * h_query_insert
 * Execute an insert query
 * return H_OK on success
int h_query_insert(const struct _h_connection * conn, const char * query);

 * h_query_update
 * Execute an update query
 * return H_OK on success
int h_query_update(const struct _h_connection * conn, const char * query);

 * h_query_delete
 * Execute an delete query
 * return H_OK on success
int h_query_delete(const struct _h_connection * conn, const char * query);

 * h_execute_query
 * Execute a select query, set the result structure with the returned values
 * return H_OK on success
int h_query_select(const struct _h_connection * conn, const char * query, struct _h_result * result);

Simple JSON queries

Hoel allows to use JSON objects for simple queries with jansson library. In the simple JSON queries, a JSON object called json_t * j_query is used to generate the query.

All json_t * returned and updated values must be free after use.

A j_query has the following form:

  "table": "table_name"             // String, mandatory, the table name where the query is executed
  "columns": ["col1", "col2"]       // Array of strings, available for h_select, optional. If not specified,will be used
  "order_by": "col_name [asc|desc]" // String, available for h_select, specify the order by clause, optional
  "limit": integer_value            // Integer, available for h_select, specify the limit value, optional
  "offset"                          // Integer, available for h_select, specify the limit value, optional but available only if limit is set
  "values": [{                      // JSON object or JSON array of JSON objects, available for h_insert, mandatory, specify the values to update
    "col1": "value1",               // Generates col1='value1' for an update query
    "col2": value_integer,          // Generates col2=value_integer for an update query
    "col3", "value3",               // Generates col3='value3' for an update query
    "col4", null                    // Generates col4=NULL for an update query
  "set": {                          // JSON object, available for h_update, mandatory, specify the values to update
    "col1": "value1",               // Generates col1='value1' for an update query
    "col2": value_integer,          // Generates col2=value_integer for an update query
    "col3", "value3",               // Generates col3='value3' for an update query
    "col4", null                    // Generates col4=NULL for an update query
  "where": {                        // JSON object, available for h_select, h_update and h_delete, mandatory, specify the where clause. All clauses are separated with an AND operator
    "col1": "value1",               // Generates col1='value1'
    "col2": value_integer,          // Generates col2=value_integer
    "col3": null,                   // Generates col3=NULL
    "col4": {                       // Generates col4<12
      "operator": "<",
      "value": 12
    "col5": {                       // Generates col5 IS NOT NULL
      "operator": "NOT NULL"
    "col6": {                       // Generates col6 LIKE '%value6%'
      "operator": "raw",
      "value": "LIKE '%value6%'"
    "col7": {
      "operator": "IN",             // Generates col7 IN ('value1',42,4.2)
      "value": [                    // Values can be string, real or integer

Where clause construction

A where clause is a JSON object containing a series of clauses. A clause can have 2 different forms:

  • col_name: value
  • col_name: {operator: "operator_value", value: value}

In the first case, col_name: value, the clause becomes col_name = value. Value is always escaped.

In the second case, col_name: {operator: "operator_value", value: value}, depending on the operator value, the clause can have different forms:

  • operator: "NOT NULL", the clause becomes col_name IS NOT NULL
  • operator: "raw", the value value becomes the clause itself, not escaped, for example in { "operator": "raw", "value": "LIKE '%value6%'" }, the clause becomes col6 LIKE '%value6%'
  • otherwise, the clause becomes col_name operator value, value is escaped

All clauses are separated by an AND operator.

As en axample, here is a JSON object and its generated where clause:

JSON object:

  "col1": "value1",
  "col2": 42,
  "col3": {
    "operator": ">=",
    "value": 55.5
  "col4": {
    "operator": "raw",
    "value": "LIKE '%alu%'"

SQL Where clause:

WHERE col1 = 'value1'
  AND col2 = 42
  AND col3 >= 55.5
  AND col4 LIKE '%alu%'

If you need less simple clauses, you can build it on your own and use the h_execute_query or the h_execute_query_json functions.

The simple JSON queries functions are:

 * h_select
 * Execute a select query
 * Uses a json_t * parameter for the query parameters
 * Store the result of the query in j_result if specified. j_result must be decref'd after use
 * Duplicate the generated query in generated_query if specified, must be h_free'd after use
 * return H_OK on success
int h_select(const struct _h_connection * conn, const json_t * j_query, json_t ** j_result, char ** generated_query);

 * h_insert
 * Execute an insert query
 * Uses a json_t * parameter for the query parameters
 * Duplicate the generated query in generated_query if specified, must be h_free'd after use
 * return H_OK on success
int h_insert(const struct _h_connection * conn, const json_t * j_query, char ** generated_query);

 * h_last_insert_id
 * return the id of the last inserted value
 * return a pointer to `json_t *` on success, NULL otherwise.
 * The returned value is of type JSON_INTEGER
json_t * h_last_insert_id(const struct _h_connection * conn);

 * h_update
 * Execute an update query
 * Uses a json_t * parameter for the query parameters
 * Duplicate the generated query in generated_query if specified, must be h_free'd after use
 * return H_OK on success
int h_update(const struct _h_connection * conn, const json_t * j_query, char ** generated_query);

 * h_delete
 * Execute a delete query
 * Uses a json_t * parameter for the query parameters
 * Duplicate the generated query in generated_query if specified, must be h_free'd after use
 * return H_OK on success
int h_delete(const struct _h_connection * conn, const json_t * j_query, char ** generated_query);

JSON last insert id

The function h_last_insert_id returns the last inserted id in a json_t * format.

 * h_last_insert_id
 * return the id of the last inserted value
 * return a pointer to `json_t *` on success, NULL otherwise.
 * The returned value is of type JSON_INTEGER
json_t * h_last_insert_id(const struct _h_connection * conn);

Example source code

See examples folder for detailed sample source codes.


C Database abstraction library with json based language







No packages published


  • C 74.7%
  • CMake 22.3%
  • Makefile 3.0%