- To create a minimal project to refresh on my flask skills, alongside learning how to use SQLAlchemy for small scale projects.
- Potentially Dockerize the Project later on for Github Pages or AWS Deployment
- To test github actions pipelines for devwork later on down the line.
Created by following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKHJsLUENl0 To refresh on how Flask works as a framework alongside basic SQLAlchemy commands.
Styling will be done entirely without this video however.
File structure is largely simplified (won't use this way on larger projects) with a singular app.py that holds all the business logic.
Project developing as follows:
1. Create Skeleton with Imports.
2. Add basic data passthrough between app.py and base.html
3. Create SQLite DB and use data passthrough.
4. Add CRUD functionality.
5. Style Components.
- Clone Repo
- python -m venv venv
- '. venv/Scripts/activate' or '. venv/bin/activate' (Mac/Linux) 4 'pip install -r requirements.txt' 5 'python app.py runserver' 6 Should be open on localhost:5000 7 Should now be able to add and delete, and edit tasks.