- Neha Ghate [email protected]
- Liren Huang [email protected]
- Yalin Li [email protected]
- Wei Li [email protected]
- Spring Framework
- Java
- JavaScript
- Hibernate
- Dynamo DB
- Image upload
- Bootstrap
- jQuery AJAX
This is a Spring boot project built with Spring Tool Suite (STS). You can download/clone the repo and import it as an existing project into workspace in STS. It is a Maven project so it has all required dependencies in the pom.xml.
You need the following installed and available in your $PATH:
This is a simple tutorial I followed to install them. launches a EC2 instance and configures it with, then use Route53 to configure it with our domain name creates a bucket "" on AWS S3 and if the bucket exists it gives a message "Bucket already exists". We enable versioning to the bucket and grant read permission for all users creates a "web" security group and opens port 80 and 443 for incoming traffic from anywhere. creates a "db" security group and opens port 3306 for incoming traffic from 'web' security group. launches a mysql instance with no public accessability. creates a dynamodb table and if table exists it gives a message "already exists" . We have table name as csye6225 with attributes personId in Number and username as String. creates three policies 'CodeDeploy-EC2-S3', 'Travis-Upload-To-S3' and 'Travis-Code-Deploy'. creates a 'travis' user with 'Travis-Upload-To-S3' and 'Travis-Code-Deploy' policies attached. creates a 'CodeDeployEC2ServiceRole' with 'CodeDeploy-EC2-S3' policy attached, and a 'CodeDeployServiceRole' with 'AWSCodeDeployRole' policy attched. creates a S3 bucket to deploy the application archive. creates a CodeDeploy application 'jobportal' and add the ec2 instance to it.
Configuration files for continuous deployment.
It's used by CodeDeploy to restart the application on the EC2 instance. It's not meant to be used by users.
This connects to the dynamodb and gets the json data from the table. We have to provide username in the GET request URL. Set environment variables:
- export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="you accesskey"
- export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your secret key"
- Run the file on server and access the {localhost:8080}/?name={username}
- Add anti XSS filter;
- Update AJAX to jQuery AJAX;
- Upload user image to S3 and display the image on candidate profile page
- Add email pattern control
- Add empty entry alert
- Added loggers using slf4j which creates external file for logger
- Added python rest api , GET request gets data from AWS dynamo db