- A very basic font generation library (currently TrueType only) written in Haxe
- The core of the font generation module used by FontStruct
- Aimed at Haxe (or other) developers who wish to create font generation tools
- Should work with nodejs, js, cpp, c# and java targets. WASM too if you’re lucky.
- Does not and will not do overlap removal!
Clone this repo with git to a folder on your machine
git clone [email protected]:FontStruct/fonthx.git
Install Haxe, e.g. from https://haxe.org/download/
Install Haxe dependencies (anyone installing with haxelib should check this issue first)
haxelib install haxelib.json
To compile for node, you will need to have nodejs installed. To compile for java, you will need to have a java JDK installed. Other requirements listed below. If on Windows, you may need to adjust some of the paths below.
haxe build/examples/pixelfonter/pixelfonter-node.hxml
This will build the pixelfonter example, which will create a TrueType font from a PNG image.
Now run:
node dist/examples/pixelfonter/node/PixelFonterApp.js -i build/examples/pixelfonter/pixel-font-5x5.png -c65-91 -o tmp/pixelfont.ttf
haxe build/examples/pixelfonter/pixelfonter-java.hxml
java -jar dist/examples/pixelfonter/java/PixelFonterApp.jar -i build/examples/pixelfonter/pixel-font-5x5.png -c65-91 -o tmp/pixelfont.ttf
haxe build/examples/pixelfonter/pixelfonter-cpp.hxml
dist/examples/pixelfonter/cpp/PixelFonterApp -i build/examples/pixelfonter/pixel-font-5x5.png -c65-91 -o tmp/pixelfont.ttf
In order to build and run this example on OSX or Linux you will need to install mono, e.g. via brew install mono
haxe build/examples/pixelfonter/pixelfonter-cs.hxml
mono dist/examples/pixelfonter/cs/bin/PixelFonterApp.exe -i build/examples/pixelfonter/pixel-font-5x5.png -c65-91 -o tmp/pixelfont.ttf
haxe build/examples/pixelfonter/pixelfonter-js.hxml
– In order to view this example, you will need to point a web server at dist/examples/pixelfonter/js/index.html
HXCWD=`pwd` haxe build/examples/pixelfonter/pixelfonter-wasm.hxml
– You will need to setup emscripten in order to compile this one. You will also need to point a web server at dist/examples/pixelfonter/wasm/index.html. The easiest way is with emrun e.g.
emrun --no_emrun_detect --browser chrome dist/examples/pixelfonter/wasm/PixelFonterBrowserApp-debug.html
(May well take a while to initialise)
Set up the dev tools (gulp):
npm install gulp-cli -g
npm install
Run specs:
gulp specs
Or, develop and run specs:
gulp specs-watch
Develop using the pixelfonter example app (node target):
gulp pixelfonter-watch
Show all the available gulp tasks:
gulp --tasks
Look at the Pixelfonter example for guidance, in particular PixelFonter
You need to:
- create a font class implementing IFont (optionally extending AbstractFont)
- create a glyph class implementing IContourGlyph (optionally extending AbstractContourGlyph)
- instantiate your font class, add some glyphs to it, then
- get your TrueType bytes using TrueTypeBuilder