This is a very simple TopDown game template for quick prototyping and testing.
Clone this repository and then rename it whatever you want.
To rename the project after cloning:
# Set this to your new game name
$NewGameName = "MyGame"
$OldGameName = "XistGame" # keep this the same
# Clone XistGame-Template into $NewGameName
git clone $NewGameName
cd $NewGameName
# NUKE the .git repo for XistGame since we're making a new game with a new repo
Remove-Item -force -recurse .git
# Get list of dirs that need to be renamed
$Dirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $NewGameDir -Recurse -Include "*${OldGameName}*" -Dir `
| %{ $_.FullName }
# Rename Dirs
$Dirs | %{ $NewDir = $_ -replace $OldGameName, $NewGameName; Rename-Item $_ $NewDir }
# Get list of files that need to be renamed and contents replaced
# Explicitly DO NOT match "XistGameMode.*", but do match other XistGame files
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $NewGameDir -Recurse -Include "*${OldGameName}*" -File `
| %{ if ($_.BaseName -ne "XistGameMode") { $_.FullName } }
# Replace content in files (save to new filenames)
$Files | %{ $NewFile = $_ -replace $OldGameName, $NewGameName; `
(Get-Content $_) -replace $OldGameName, $NewGameName `
| Set-Content $NewFile }
# Delete old files
$Files | Remove-Item
After you do this, look in the Config
directory and update the configs for your game.
In particular you will want to make a manual edit to the top of Config/DefaultEngine.ini
+PackageRedirects=(OldName="/Script/XistGame", NewName="/Script/MyGame", MatchSubstring=true)
(Change MyGame
to whatever your game name is).
After you complete the steps above, open Rider, build the project, start the UEditor,
then "Resave All" of the Content
assets. This will save them all using your new
project name.
After you do that, you can remove the [CoreRedirects]
section from DefaultEngine.ini