This Project aim of implements most of Anomaly Detection Algorithms in Java. If you want to contribute source code, please write Email to [email protected], or you can add my WeChat Number: JeemyJohn
This algorithm is realized in package iforest.
Algorithm Home Page:
Source Paper:
Usage step:
- Create an object of class IForest
IForest iForest = new IForest();
- Get samples and train
double[][] samples = new double[1000][2];
//get samples
int[] ans = iForest.train(samples, 100);
We have two declaration of function train, the implementation of them are same to each other. The only difference of them is one have default parameter. As the results of function train ans, if ans[i]==0 means it's an Anomaly(or Isolation) Point, else a Normal Point.
- Predict a new sample
If a sample does not in samples, we can use function predict to judge it a Normal point or not.
double[] sample = ...
int label = iForest.predict(sample);