Script to export playlist files (e.g. m3u) from Audirvana with PowerShell.
Audirvana is an incredible audio player I just discovered a few days before writing this script:
I used iTunes for years, but every device I want my music synced to is not an Apple product. After many years of using third party software (which always had at least one downside), I wrote my own PowerShell script that syncs my music from iTunes to my Android phone and other devices.
A few days before I posted this script, I discovered Audirvana, fell in love with it and decided to use it instead of iTunes.
So far I used this (actually great) tool to export playlists from iTunes via CLI:
With Audirvana I needed something new to export its playlists. Since it uses a SQLite database, it was very easy from the start to export its playlists. Now I'm able to continue using my music sync script.
PS C:\> Export-AudirvanaPlaylists -pDestination "D:\Music\Playlists" -sDB "C:\Users\WhereTheTimeWent\AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite"
This example exports all playlists from Audirvana to "D:\Music\Playlists" as .m3u8 files.
Mandatory. Path to where the playlist files get exported to. If it doesn't exist, the script tries to create it.
Mandatory. Path of your Audirvana SQLite database. If you don't know where yours is, check Audirvana settings (library file).
Not mandatory. Defaults to .m3u8. Could be changed to .m3u, .txt or pretty much anything else.
- Launch PowerShell with administrator privileges, type
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Install-Module PSSQLite
- Import the script to your current PowerShell session, edit the path and type
Import-Module "C:\Path\To\File\AudirvanaToolkit.ps1"
- To permanently import script, type
notepad.exe $Profile
- Paste the text from 2. into the notepad window and save
- Start PowerShell (no administrator privileges needed), type
... and the script should start.