It is custom FW, so you need to erase the STM32 chip first Erase Factory AT Firmware, you may need to retrieve and save the Device EUI before erasing of the Factory AT Firmware before we program with SDK
- SHT40 for humidity and temperature over I2C2
- ZE27-O3 Ozone sensor over USART2
- SN-GCJA5 PM sensor over I2C2
LoRa-E5_weather_and_pollution.ioc is configuration file for CubeMX decoder.js - is decoder for payload for datacake - just copy this JS code into decoder section
Usually it takes up to 10 min. to react on downlink command (depend of communication stability)
Encoder for downlink (measurements.LED_ON is interface fild on datacake):
function Encoder(measurements, port) {
if(measurements.LED_ON.value) return [1];
else return [0];